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Good Friday morning,
Here are the Must Reads according to Adam Bitely:
- Unemployment rises to 8.2%; Obama’s economy is dead in the water — NetRightDaily
- Jobs report a train wreck — Campaign 2012
- Video of Obama’s flip flop on Ex-Im bank — NetRightDaily
- What’s Obama’s case? It’s sure not the economy — NY Post
- Does Romney understand economics? — Reason
- Details of secret PhRMA deal reveal Obama’s hypocrisy — Washington Examiner
- The Big Labor Republicans — RedState
- Mayor Bloomberg’s sweet sugary nanny state — Cato
- There are no winners in the war on coal — NetRightDaily
- Why we’ll never run out of oil — Reason
- Trouble brewing for Labor’s Solis — Washington Examiner
- The battle for the Cato Institute — Washingtonian