Dear Majority Leader McConnell and Chairman Grassley,
Enough is enough. The undersigned organizations represent millions of Americans who are standing with you on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are sick and tired of the left’s coordinated, politically motivated attacks against this highly qualified nominee. We write to urge you to end this charade seeking to destroy, not only Judge Kavanaugh, but you and all conservatives. Any more delay in this process will only encourage this disgraceful behavior in the future.
We are thankful for your leadership throughout this nomination. You have been resolute in your support of Judge Kavanaugh, even while trying to be fair to the minority. We commend you for your efforts.
Unfortunately, all your good faith attempts to be fair have been received with more than contempt from the other side. From the beginning, it did not matter who was nominated, they pledged to do anything in their power to stop the nominee. And they have.
The latest orchestrated attack with these unsubstantiated sexual assault claims has taken their tactics to a new low, and we ask you, and all Republican senators, to publicly stand together against this choreographed smear campaign. We, of course, are sensitive and supportive of any victim of sexual assault. But allegations are not evidence, and we simply cannot allow the reputation of an honorable man to be maligned without any corroborating evidence. In this case, all four of the witnesses Dr. Ford claims could corroborate her story have denied it.
Never forget that this entire episode is the fruit of Sen. Diane Feinstein’s poisonous actions, withholding Dr. Ford’s letter until after the hearings to maximize its political impact. Shame on her! Still, you kindly sought to accommodate Dr. Ford, scheduling a hearing for Thursday through an incredible ordeal with her attorney (and a whole team of Democratic operatives).
What has been the result of your good-faith efforts? They sought and, once again, withheld information about another uncorroborated claim. Predictably, Sen. Feinstein is now using it to delay Thursday’s hearings even further. Not even the New York Times believed this new claim, and yet Democrats are still using it to malign Judge Kavanaugh’s good name. When will it be enough? It is clear there is no limit to the other side’s despicable tactics.
It is time to put an end to this political smear campaign and schedule a vote as soon as possible. We are encouraged by the possibility of a committee vote this Friday. The entire Republican Conference must stand united to protect the dignity of the Senate, Judge Kavanaugh, and his family. Any senator who continues to choose to remain silent in the face of this blatant injustice encourages these tactics in the future. The voters are watching.
Penny Nance
CEO and President
Concerned Women for America LAC
Kelly Shackelford
First Liberty Institute
Susan Carleson
American Civil Rights Union
Rick Manning
Americans for Limited Government
Brigitte Gabriel
Founder & Chairman
ACT for America
Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund
Tami Fitzgerald
Executive Director
N.C. Values Coalition
Sidney Powell
Sidney Powell PC
Tammy Bruce
Independent Women’s Voice
Matt Schlapp
American Conservative Union
Star Parker
Center for Urban Renewal & Education
Tim Wildmon
American Family Association
Lisa B Nelson
Chief Executive Officer
American Legislative Exchange Council
Timothy R. Head
Executive Director
Faith & Freedom Coalition
Paul Smith
Executive Director
Citizen Impact – USA
Christopher C. Hull, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President
Center for Security Policy
Joel Starnes
Executive Director
Organization for American Values
Kristan Hawkins
Students for Life of America
Rabbi Aryeh Spero
Caucus for America
George K. Rasley Jr.
Managing Editor
Andrea Lafferty
Women for a Great America
Rebekah Gantner
Executive Director
Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund
Mitchell Hubbard
Missouri Republican Assembly
Catherine Davis
The Restoration Project
Philip B. Haney
Customs & Border Protection Officer (Ret)
Venatus Group, Inc.
Jennifer Schubert-Akin
Chairman and CEO
Steamboat Institute
Margot Cleveland
Adjunct Instructor
University of Notre Dame
Rick Eldridge
ReelWorks Studios
Susan Kines
Creative Communications Inc.
- Christian Adams
Public Interest Legal Foundation
Jill Chandler
Executive Director
Women’s Pregnancy Center
Ed Martin
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles
Judy Brown
American Life League
Donna Lippoldt
Executive Director
Culture Shield Network
Adam Houser
National Director of Collegians
Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow
Kirsten Bradsky
Vice President
Pennington County Republican Women
Maria Zack
Chairman of the Board
Nations in Action
Quin Hillyer
Veteran Conservative Columnist
Jessie Jane Duff
Gunnery Sergeant USMC (ret)
London Center for Security Policy
Mike Maxson
The People’s Connection
Jennifer M. Ezzell
Vice President
Pennington County Federation of Republican Women in South Dakota
Patti Knight
Wright County Republican Committee
Don and Martha Johnson
CEO, Owner
Open Hearts Worship Ministry
Judy Spolum
Southwest Republican Women
Mary Adams
Maine Center-right Coalition Meeting
Paul Dykstra
God’s Shepherds
Robert Emrich
Emmanuel Bible Church
Elizabeth Ann Predmore
Imperial Valley Coalition for Life
Dennis Miller
5M Co.
Phil Cohn
Christ for All Peoples
Madison Rainey
Media and Event Coordinator
Carolina Pregnancy Center
Sam La Parne
Kiwanis Lake Havasu Cit
CC: Republican Conference