
Cartoon: Hung Up

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher level resolution version.


Younger Americans overwhelmingly more likely to embrace socialism, view America as source of the world’s ills

Cartoon courtesy of Legal Insurrection . By Robert Romano Two eye-opening recent polls tell us a lot about where America is headed in the future, and it should be alarming to most Americans. First up is a recent Public Opinion Strategies poll that found, among younger Americans, 53 percent want the U.S. to become “more […]


Trump was right. Record goods trade deficit with China at $419 billion in 2018 underscores importance of trade agenda.

By Robert Romano We’re going to need a bigger tariff. It is hard to come to any other conclusion as the trade in goods deficit with China hit a record high in 2018 at $419.1 billion according to the U.S. Census Bureau , in the same year President Donald Trump levied 10 percent tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods shipped to […]


The threat of socialism looms over U.S. in 2020 and beyond

By Rick Manning This column is unusual.  I usually do not write about experiences around the Capitol Beltway, but the opportunity to talk to dozens of radio, television and videoblog talkers and reporters at the Conservative Political Action Conference put on by the American Conservative Union changes […]


Senate GOP to pass meaningless resolution blocking Trump from building wall that Trump will just veto

By Robert Romano “What is clear in the Senate is that there will be enough votes to pass the resolution of disapproval, which will then be vetoed by the president and then in all likelihood the veto will be upheld in the House.” That was Senate Majority […]


House Democrats declare Trump obstructed justice but admit ‘we do not now have the evidence’ to impeach

By Robert Romano “We do not now have the evidence all sorted out and everything to do an impeachment.” That was House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos on March 3 that the House is not ready to impeach President Donald Trump because the evidentiary predicate has not […]


Cartoon: Democratic National Circus

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher level resolution version.


President Trump right to walk away from North Korean denuclearization talks

By Robert Romano Telling the world that “sometimes you have to walk,” President Donald Trump on Feb. 28 walked away from the Hanoi Summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, citing an insufficient agreement on the part of North Korea to fully disarm its nuclear arms and capabilities. It was the right call. President […]


Rick Manning: Move gov’t out of D.C. and why paid family leave will hurt women and businesses


While not quite 3 percent yet, 2018 was the strongest economy since 2005 on growth and jobs

By Robert Romano President Donald Trump’s second year in office marked the strongest economic growth since 2005 at 2.9 percent, according to data compiled by the Bureau of Economic Analysis , beating every one of President Barack Obama’s years in office — for now. It was by a nose, and the numbers are still subject to revision. Obama’s strongest year was 2015, […]

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