10.29.2020 0

5 Reasons A Biden-Harris Administration Won’t Make America Safe Again

Top 5 Reasons a Biden-Harris administration won’t Make America Safe Again.

With the ALG Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. Given the level of violence in our cities, it is not surprising that this election could hinge on law and order. Biden and Kamala Harris hem and haw when asked about how to restore order to our cities. Here’s why. Number one – Biden called police the enemy. Number two – Harris supported cutting $150 million from the Los Angeles Police Department budget. Number three – Biden and Harris campaign staffers bragged about donating to a group that paid bail fees for Minneapolis rioters. Biden plans to ban the manufacture, sale, and possession of a host of popular semiautomatic firearms. Number five – Biden would bring back a failed Obama-era housing scheme that would morph our suburbs into inner city Detroit.

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