10.07.2020 0

America needs a full-time President, but will Joe Biden even seek two terms of office if he wins?

If Biden governs the way he campaigns, he’ll be a part-time President:

If former Vice President Joe Biden, who routinely takes time off from the presidential campaign, governs the way he campaigns, at best he’ll be a part-time President. That’s too bad. Because if Biden wins, being President is a full-time job. Just ask President Donald Trump, who just contracted the Chinese coronavirus and has kept right on working through it after briefly being admitted to Walter Reed Medical Center. Biden, who at 77 years old would be the oldest President ever elected, already appears to be semi-retired, only apparently seeking one term of office. He’s been called a potential “transition president.” With threats emerging from China, Iran and elsewhere, and ongoing damage being wrought by the pandemic and the lockdowns, the American people cannot afford to have as president somebody who is not fully committed to the task at hand.


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