10.28.2020 0

Recognizing the Plight of Chinese Muslims on International Religious Freedom Day

Celebrating International Religious Freedom Day. With the ALG Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen.
This week the U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia recognized the plight of the oppressed Uyghur Muslims in China on International Religious Freedom Day.
Many people around the world do not enjoy the freedom to practice their faith, but instead face persecution for their religious beliefs. The Uyghur Muslims and other religious and ethnic minorities in China have been forced into state-sponsored labor and re-education camps by the Chinese Communist Party.
The growing push to divest U.S. retirement accounts from non-transparent, child and slave-owning Chinese companies gained momentum last week when Sen. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia sent a letter to Scalia requesting the federal government block human rights-abusing companies from American investment eligibility.
We thank Scalia and Loeffler for taking a tough, principled stand against the abuses of the Chinese Communist Party and call on everyone to join in the growing movement to divest from China.
For more, go to DIVESTCHINANOW.org

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