If you prefer to be a purist, join me in calling the third Monday of February George Washington’s Birthday. Though even that is still inaccurate. His actual birthday is February 22. By Catherine Mortensen Presidents’ Day, one of the most misunderstood national holidays, has a surprising history, […]
One vote was straight party line with four Republicans absent from vote By Catherine Mortensen Late Thursday the United States Senate defeated two amendments that would have stripped out funding for the Biden administration to enforce its various vaccine mandates. Americans for Limited Government led a national […]
The camera reveals a man who will never be interesting like Trump. He will never be inspiring like Trump. Biden appears to be, because he is, a man better suited to backroom politics than being president. He’s dull, lifeless, and boring. By Catherine Mortensen For a recent […]
By Catherine Mortensen Half of Americans alive today have never experienced the kind of runaway inflation that Joe Biden’s out-of-control spending has unleashed on the country. That’s because they weren’t even born until Jimmy Carter’s inflation was well under control in Ronald Reagan’s second term. Because I […]
With the November elections less than a year away, Democrats are desperate to put the pandemic behind them. Clearly, they are choosing to pay more attention to the political science than actual science. By Catherine Mortensen With the November mid-term elections fast approaching, Democrats nationwide are seeking […]
Rep. Andy Biggs: What is happening is a clear abuse of everything we believe in. By Catherine Mortensen The Daily Torch ran a story earlier this week about an investigation by the inspector general for the United States Capitol Police (USCP) into allegations the USCP has been spying on Members of Congress, their staffs, and […]
“We have never seen anything like this. Members of Congress and their staffs cannot operate in an environment when they are being spied on.” – Richard Manning By Catherine Mortensen According to The Federalist , the inspector general for the United States Capitol Police (USCP) is investigating allegations the USCP has […]
The Biden administration came into office promising to “follow the science,” as the science has changed, they have dogmatically pushed mandates based on outdated, debunked, and outright false information. By Catherine Mortensen A recently released study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showing that “persons who survived a previous [COVID] infection had lower case rates […]
A left-leaning foundation is pushing a complicated election scheme called Ranked Choice Voting. Alaska recently adopted it in a statewide ballot initiative and policy experts say it could undermine faith in the election system. By Catherine Mortensen A left-leaning foundation funded and headed by a former Texas […]
Joe Biden’s first year in office is nothing but broken promises. His historically low poll numbers reflect the growing truth that he is a failed president. Our country will not be made great again until he is out of office. By Catherine Mortensen A year ago today, […]
Biden’s presidency, much as the man himself, is increasingly fragile. By Catherine Mortensen When I was a local TV news reporter, my mantra as I chased breaking news was, “I’d rather be lucky, than good.” The more aggressive my crew and I were in chasing a story, […]
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey is fighting school mask mandates using federal COVID money and the Biden administration is not happy about it. By Catherine Mortensen Kudos to Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey for finding a way to use federal COVID aid money to undermine what many consider to […]
“I have known, liked, and personally respected Joe Biden for many years. I did not recognize the man at that podium yesterday.” – Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) By Catherine Mortensen Joe Biden may have hit a low point in his presidency this week with his woefully ignorant […]
Gig workers choose freelance work for the flexibility and freedom it affords, and Democrats’ attempt to take that away could drive away key constituencies, including young people, urbanites, minorities, and immigrants. By Catherine Mortensen My 24-year-old daughter has been in the workforce for less than a […]
Among the many threats our nation faces, this is among the most serious. The supposed intellectual giants of the Supreme Court are dangerously detached from reality, choosing to consume fake news and working in COVID isolation. We cannot trust these people to make judgements that […]