By Robert RomanoThe nominal broad U.S. Dollar Index reported by the Federal Reserve is showing its strongest readings since the height of the Covid pandemic in April 2020 when the global economy was shutting down and 25 million jobs were lost in the blink of an eye. The latest reading of 123.9 […]
By Rick Manning Shock. The Railroad strike has been settled at the last possible moment after heroic phone calls by President Joe Biden. Who actually buys this garbage? The potential strike was the culmination of ten years of negotiations replete with numerous lawful federal government interventions to […]
By David Potter The U.S. stock market plunged yesterday nearly 1,300 points resulting in its worst day since June 2020. The market’s expectation of reduced inflation was not met. Fearing an increase in interest rates from the Federal Reserve to cool the economy, uncertain investors panicked. Matt […]
By Robert Romano On Sept. 13, the Bureau of Labor Statistics will release a fresh batch of consumer inflation data for Aug. 2022, what will likely show a drop of the current, annualized 8.5 percent rate as demand contracts in the teeth of another global recession. In July 2021 , inflation grew at a monthly, […]
By Rick Manning Woke retailers like Home Depot, Kroger, and Walmart are asking Congress to pass their own special smash and grab worth billions of dollars by mandating changes to how credit cards are processed. Joining forces with far-left Democratic Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois, […]
By Robert Romano Since 1980, when the national debt was $907 billion and just 31.7 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the debt has grown by an average of 9 percent a year, to its current level of more than $30.7 trillion — 124 percent of GDP — according to […]
By Robert Romano Baby Boomers are retiring faster than the population of 16-to-64-year-olds is increasing, an analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows , with 3.2 million more 65-years-old-or-older Americans leaving the civilian labor force since Jan. 2020. Comparatively, the population of 16-to-64-year-olds has only increased by 1.5 million since Jan. 2020 to its current […]