
Biden’s Build Back Better Plan Full of Middle-Class Tax Hikes

Under Biden’s Build Back Better plan, the nation’s lowest wage earners can expect to pay 4 percent higher taxes than in 2021, while the top 0.1 percent of earners will see a 6 percent drop in their taxes. By Catherine Mortensen President Joe Biden’s massive social welfare […]


Is Biden’s $1.75 trillion Build Back Better spending bill in jeopardy as inflation surges to 6.2 percent?

By Robert Romano “By all accounts, the threat posed by record inflation to the American people is not ‘transitory’ and is instead getting worse. From the grocery store to the gas pump, Americans know the inflation tax is real and DC can no longer ignore the economic […]


Exposing The Democrats’ Plan to Spy On Your Bank Account

Democrats won’t give up. They want to pass their radical, big government agenda before the American people have the chance to know what’s in it, including mass amnesty, higher gas prices, and higher heating costs. By Catherine Mortensen House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has been exposing in the “The Leader’s Roundtable,” that Democrats […]


Manning in Townhall: Legal Commerce is not a Nuisance

The activist judge is so invested in creating a unique nuisance legal precedent that he has attempted to bully pharmacies into settling cases where they have engaged in no wrong-doing. He has all but threatened them with potential bankruptcy if they do not settle.  The […]


Democrat Spending Bill Taxes the Rich and the Poor

Thanks to the endless spending, the economy is definitely overheating resulting in stagflation, but has Congress noticed? By Robert Romano “No one got everything they wanted, including me, but that’s what compromise is. That’s consensus. And that’s what I ran on.” That was President Joe Biden on Oct. 28 […]


Economy Slumps while Biden Diddles

Biden ignores the obvious problems while focusing on letting more illegals into the country, forcing critical race theory into our schools and mobilizing  the FBI against parents concerned about their children’s education. It’s almost as if the president’s team wants wholesale economic disruption. By Richard […]


Manning on Victory News: Biden’s vaccine mandate is about intimidation

The intent of Biden’s vaccine mandate is simply to intimidate businesses into doing their dirty work for them. The actual OSHA rule hasn’t even been released. It’s all about intimidation. Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning was a guest on Flash Point, a prime-time […]


ALG on Chuck Wilder Show: Bidenflation threatens everyone!

Americans for Limited Government Vice President of Communications Catherine Mortensen was a guest on the Chuck Wilder Radio Show, part of the CRN Digital Talk Radio network. She talked about the rising inflation and how it is impacting everyone’s ability to pay their bills. The source of […]


State financial leaders reject Democrats’ ‘compromise’ on IRS financial snooping scheme

Latest Proposal: The banking activity of every American with an annual aggregate deposit or expenditure of $10,000 could be subject to IRS examination  By Catherine Mortensen The State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF), a group made up of state treasurers and auditors, has come out with a strongly […]


Biden’s America: Lowered Expectations

We are living in Biden’s America, and in it, nothing works as expected. And I refuse to lower my expectations. By Catherine Mortensen I recently dropped into a national chain’s diagnostic lab near my office in Northern Virginia for some routine lab work. (As a Type I […]

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