
Does Biden deserve credit for job gains?

Biden and his advisors have no idea how they got to where they are and no plan to unleash the private sector economy to sustain the natural job recovery which they have lucked into. By Rick Manning The White House Facebook page crowed , “3,000,000 jobs created since […]


ALG on Michael Yaffee Radio: Flatlining government spending is the only acceptable approach

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning joined Huntsville, AL radio host Michael Yaffee this week to talk about Rick’s proposal to impose a 3-year sequestration on government spending, as opposed to raising taxes, to pay for President Biden’s proposed infrastructure spending. Click here to listen to the episode.  


ALG in the Odessa American: Congress should use 3-year sequestration, not tax increases for infrastructure plan

MANNING: Congress should use 3-year sequestration, not tax increases for infrastructure plan By Rick Manning , President of Americans for Limited Government. Guest View June 27, 2021 A group of 21 bipartisan senators announced an agreement on a framework for an infrastructure proposal. Given the massive growth in government […]


Post-pandemic economy upends job market for low-skilled workers

Workers who choose to remain unemployed could lose out on opportunities for retraining for higher-wage jobs By Catherine Mortensen The post-pandemic economy continues to surprise. The latest change is the rising business investment in technology and IT which could signal a shift away from lower-skilled workers. It may […]


Progressives’ Plan B for achieving socialist utopia

“Flatlining government spending is the only acceptable approach to paying for any infrastructure plan.” By Catherine Mortensen If you’ve had a hard time keeping up with the latest spending bills in Washington in recent weeks, join the club. It seems every day Democrats change their demands and […]


The ‘Great Resignation’ reshapes jobs in conservative non-profit sector

As the pandemic clouds lift, the percentage of Americans leaving employers for new opportunities is at its highest level in more than two decades. Employers increasingly open to work-from-home options. By ALG News According to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal , more U.S. workers are […]


ALG sends letter to House Leadership urging them to protect consumer choices

Americans for Limited Government signed onto a letter co-authored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and FreedomWorks to the House of Representatives opposing the passage of S.J.Res. 15, the Congressional Review Act resolution which would overturn the Office of the Comptroller of Currency’s (OCC) 2020 […]


Making Sense of the Post-Pandemic Economy

Economists and policy makers grapple with inflation threats while consumers worry. By Catherine Mortensen Are you having a hard time understanding why the housing market is heating up, and why the cost of essentials such as milk, eggs, and gas is climbing? Are you in the market […]


Drivers fighting back against big government citation-taxation schemes

Americans for Limited Government Foundation poll finds Virginians support motorist-friendly reforms By Catherine Mortensen There is an ongoing and heated national debate over the growing practice of law enforcement using red light traffic cameras. More than 500 cities and other municipalities across the country have installed some […]


Congress needs to stop spending to staunch rapid inflation rise

This sustained and substantial increase in the producer cost of final goods is akin to finding a dead canary in the mine shaft of government spending excess. By Rick Manning The prices that suppliers are charging businesses and other customers rose again last month, adding to inflation […]

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