
Congress strikes back against Obama midnight regs

By Natalia Castro Congressional Republicans have made use of a 20-year old tool for success to employ this year to combat the regulatory state the Obama Administration created; the Congressional Review Act (CRA) of 1996. In its history, the CRA ha only successfully overturned one […]


News flash! Career bureaucrats don’t get to engage in advocacy against president

By Rick Manning Apparently, many of the career bureaucrats in the federal government did not get the message — there was an election and their party lost. This is a paragraph from The Hill: “The Trump administration also instituted a media blackout for employees of the  Environmental Protection Agency  and […]


Rescinding EPA electricity rules key to making America competitive again

By Natalia Castro The EPA has helped to strangle U.S. economic growth for the last eight years with its 2009 carbon endangerment finding and subsequent rules against new and existing coal power plants, dubbed the Clean Power Plan. But regulatory policy has not just represented […]


Kill wind and solar tax credits as part of tax reform

By Natalia Castro President elect Donald Trump wants Americans to have a tax code they can understand and that benefits them, unlike the current code. Trump won the election as a business man for the common man, and the first thing he can do to […]


Rick Perry will give back energy to the American people

By Natalia Castro During the second presidential debate, now President-elect Donald Trump discussed making the nation’s energy sector a priority. Trump laid out a plan to empower energy companies, return energy workers to their job, and explore new, efficient energy sources. With his latest decision […]


Cartoon: Old Man Winter

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher resolution version.


Scott Pruitt will bring EPA regulatory war on coal to heel under the Trump administration

By Natalia Castro Americans for Limited Government announced just a week after the election that job one of the Trump administration must be to dismantle the EPA regulations which are crippling our economy; less than a month after he became President-elect, and Donald Trump has […]


My work here is finished

By Marita Noon For the past decade, I have been dedicated to fighting bad energy policies. My efforts began in New Mexico, where the organizations I lead are based, and expanded to focus on national issues. When I accepted the executive director position on January […]


Job one for Trump: Dismantle EPA regulatory assault on economy

By Natalia Castro President-elect Donald Trump must begin unraveling the Obama legacy immediately. As harmful regulations continue to cripple economic growth, rescinding EPA regulations on coal is the first necessary step for the Trump administration to get America back to work and end the big […]


Obama wants your wood-burning stove

By Nathan Mehrens As originally published at http://dailyhaymaker.com/?p=16553 In a blow to innovation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has denied a petition to reconsider a restrictive regulation dealing with wood stoves and the types of wood burned in them. The regulation , finalized by the EPA last year, made changes to the emission standards applicable to residential wood stoves, […]

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