By Marita Noon The decades-old legislation that prevented American producers from exporting oil is officially overturned — despite previous presidential threats to veto a bill to lift the oil export ban. That’s good policy. However, to get the support of “reluctant Democrats,” The Economist reports : […]
By Marita Noon The UN Climate Conference in Paris ended, as predicted, late and with lots of fanfare over the “agreement” that contains little enforceable language — other than reporting emissions. CO2 reduction goals are, according to the New York Times: “essentially voluntary.” Despite the disappointing results […]
By Marita Noon Paris, the City of Light, which earned its moniker by being an early adapter of natural gas to light its public spaces, is currently hosting COP21 (the 21st Conference of the Parties) — often referred to as the UN Climate Change Conference — […]
By Dustin Howard Imagine a country paying other countries to regulate itself out of productivity and prosperity. Then imagine that the same regulations would bind the first country more so than the others. Then again, imagine that the first country in question was doing all […]
By Marita Noon For years, water, or, more accurately, its scarcity, has been predicted to be the next doomsday scenario. In 1994, the American Philosophical Society published a book bearing the title: Is water our next crisis? In 2007, NBC featured : Crisis feared as U.S. water supplies dry up. More […]
By Robert Romano “Justice demands that, with what little carbon we can still safely burn, developing countries are allowed to grow. The lifestyles of a few must not crowd out opportunities for the many still on the first steps of the development ladder.” That was Narendra Modi, […]
By Marita Noon Without the evangelical community’s involvement, efforts to build a “broad coalition to pass major climate policies” are “doomed,” according to a just-released report from New America — a nonprofit group that claims to be “dedicated to the renewal of American politics, prosperity, and purpose in […]
By Dustin Howard What’s a Boiler MACT? MACT stands for the Maximum Achievable Control Technology, and is the focus of recently revised rules by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). To comply with rules justified by the President’s 2011 Executive Order 13563, industrial operations that generate their own […]
By Marita Noon Early in his campaign, now top-tier Republican presidential candidate, Ben Carson, supported ethanol — a position for which I called him out. It has long been thought, that to win in Iowa, a candidate must support ethanol . However, in a major policy reversal, Carson […]