
Time for Congress to defund sue and settle

By Rick Manning In July, Representative Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) took on the little known radical environmentalist scam known as “sue and settle” where a green group acting in cahoots with the EPA or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service sues the Agency demanding that they apply the law […]


Regulating America out of the oil shale fracking business

By Dustin Howard Prior to his reelection, President Barack Obama said that the U.S. is the “Saudi Arabia of natural gas.” Like so many things, the President has no problem publically taking credit for what his Administration privately disrupts. Earlier this year, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued controversial rules on hydraulic […]


On climate change, Catholic leaders must believe in miracles

By Marita Noon For the first time, “Catholic leaders representing all regional and national bishops conferences” have come together in a “joint appeal.” According to reporting in the New York Times, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, archbishop of Mumbai, India, called the October 26 meeting at the Vatican […]


Stop Obama’s power plant rules

By Rick Manning As published at http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/energy-environment/259700-stop-obamas-power-plant-rules A major battle over President Obama’s plan to deindustrialize America is heating up in Congress as Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.) has taken the first step toward overturning two of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) most egregious rules in its war on coal. What’s […]


Republicans should fund and open Yucca Mountain

By Robert Romano One has to wonder if Gerald Ford, when he issued an executive decree in 1976 suspending nuclear fuel reprocessing , and Jimmy Carter, when in 1977 he made the prohibition permanent, understood what a big problem they were creating. Namely, if not to be reused, what should be […]


The march to Paris has begun

By Marita Noon Less than one month from now the nations of the world will meet in Paris for the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( COP21 ). During the November 30 to December […]


Tesla’s ‘success,’ a great example of how government regulations manipulate markets

By Marita Noon The American consumer is resistant to marketing aimed at selling them electric and hybrid vehicles. For the first quarter of 2015, according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Chevrolet sold 1874 Volts — its electric car introduced in 2010 with “high expectations.” That […]


Shaking out the lies surrounding earthquakes and hydraulic fracturing

By Marita Noon The Great ShakeOut , the annual “PrepareAthon” that advocates earthquake readiness, took place across the globe on October 15, at 10:15 AM — 10/15 @10:15. Unless you have a child in a participating school, the “Ready Campaign” may have passed without your awareness. I […]


Rolling back the tide of big government overreach

By Marita Noon The reason most often cited for the success of the nonpolitical candidates is the frustration with Washington; the sense that the system is broken. Voters feel that we have no control and that government has gone wild. Even people who don’t watch […]


The Pope, climate change and VW

By Marita Noon While Pope Francis was shuttled around during his historic visit to the U.S. in a Fiat, he shared the news cycle with Volkswagen. The pope made headlines with his calls for action on climate change. USA Today touted : “Obama, Pope Francis praise […]

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