
Big Green’s immorality

By Rick Manning Is it moral to cause people to starve in Africa, because you prefer to burn corn for fuel here in America? Is it moral to have as a goal to create regulations that drive energy and electricity costs up with the poor being disproportionately […]


Cartoon: Taking a lot on faith

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher resolution version.


Not all energy is created equal

By Marita Noon Congress has taken action that actually advances free markets and limits government intrusion. I was in the room when, on September 17, the House Energy and Commerce Committee — with bipartisan support — advanced legislation to lift the 1970s-era ban on crude-oil […]


Lifting oil export ban could bolster U.S. posture against Iran

By Marita Noon “Whether you support this deal or not, we can all agree that America’s commitment to Israel remains unshakeable. And we will continue — Democrats and Republicans united  — to stand with Israel,” says a statement from Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii). Yet, despite widespread […]


On Obama’s Alaska trip, where were the polar bears?

By Marita Noon Am I the only one who finds it incongruous that President Obama, when on a carefully choreographed trip to Alaska, even manning his own Instagram account to engage young people, to spotlight the effects of global warming — which he says is happening “right now” — announced the […]


When will EPA tell the truth about Colorado’s Animas River spill?

By Rick Manning As published at http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/09/09/when-will-epa-tell-truth-about-colorados-animas-river-spill.html Will the public ever know why a government agency charged with protecting the environment instead dumped deadly chemicals into one of the largest sources of drinking water in the West? The answer is: No. Not as long as Barack Obama’s rogue bureaucracies are […]


How America’s abundance can be harnessed to stop our debt spiral

By Rick Manning Electricity is the lifeblood of industry. Inexpensive, reliable electricity is an essential element that business leaders consider when choosing where to locate a job-creating factory, and this is one of the United States’ natural competitive advantages. America is blessed with abundant natural resources, including […]


Cartoon: The golden calf


Hidden emails reveal a secret anti-fossil fuel network involving the White House, Democrat governors, wealthy donors and foundations, and front groups

By Marita Noon Most of us feel that time goes by faster as we get older. It does. When you are five years old, one year represents 20 percent of your life. Yet, when you are fifty, that same calendar year is only 2 percent […]


Obama’s war on the poor continues

By Rick Manning The past few years have been marked by Obama releasing new regulation after new regulation designed to increase the price of low-cost, readily-available fuel so that higher-cost, less-available alternatives become economically viable. The resulting higher electricity costs represent the most regressive form of regulatory […]

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