
It’s about the money, not the climate

By Alan Caruba Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), the Irish poet and dramatist, wrote “Pray don’t talk to me about the weather. Whenever people talk to me about the weather, I always feel quite certain that they mean something else.” These days, when some world leader or […]


U.S. government releases predators against its own people

By Marita Noon Many times the sound of howling and yelping coyotes awake me from a sound and cozy slumber. I sit bolt upright in my bed as my sleep-filled brain tries to calculate where my critters are and whether or not they are safe. […]


Trampling on coal country families

By Paul Driessen Between 1989 and 2010, Congress rejected nearly 700 cap-tax-and-trade and similar bills that their proponents claimed would control Earth’s perpetually fickle climate and weather. So even as real world crises erupt, President Obama is using executive fiats and regulations to impose his anti-hydrocarbon agenda, slash […]


Parasitic power: Dollars blowing in the wind

By Viv Forbes Wind energy produces costly, intermittent, unpredictable electricity, yet government subsidies and mandates have encouraged a massive gamble on wind investments in Australia – over $7 billion has already been spent and another $30 billion is proposed. This expenditure is justified by the […]


Climate change a symbolic battle against an unpleasant, toxic way of life

By Marita Noon I suspect most readers of my column do not religiously read The Atlantic. I don’t either. But I have people — readers who alert me to news and information I might not see otherwise. Though the Atlantic has gained recent notoriety for […]


EPA goes from Environmental Protection Agency to Extremist Political Agenda

By Marita Noon During the week of July 28, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held hearings in four cities: Atlanta, Denver, Pittsburgh, and Washington, DC. The two-day sessions were to allow the public to have their voice heard about the proposed rules it released on  June 2 […]


Why we still need coal

By Robert Romano Even while hundreds of coal-fired electric power plants are being retired or converted to natural gas on account of new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations — 361 units so far according to Americaspower.org over the coming years — an odd thing happened this winter. Coal electricity production increased dramatically, by 8.5 percent, to 543.4 billion […]


Colorado Dems frack backtrack is all about November

By Marita Noon In June, in a sparsely populated county in northern New Mexico, a primary election surprisingly unseated an incumbent County Commissioner. No one seemed to notice. But, apparently, high-ranking Democrats to the north were paying attention. The northern New Mexico county is Mora. The high-ranking […]


Global warming’s public relations gambit

By Rick Manning Get ready America, many of the world’s largest public relations firms are creating a climate change litmus test by asserting that they will not work for companies or organizations that don’t buy the global warming mantra that is being used to destroy the free market system. What […]


Climate alarmists never quit

By Alan Caruba Americans are discovering that the Cold War that was waged from the end of World War Two until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 is not over, Americans continue to be subjected to the endless, massive, global campaign to foist […]

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