
The rise of Climate Change-ism

By Tom Toth Over a few decades modern climate science has evolved, or devolved, from scientific observation to dogma—or “Climate Change-ism.” Not unlike the roots of various other worldwide religious beliefs, this new faith sprouted from the alarmist cries that “The End is Neigh.” “Global Warming” (already […]


Climate change: Less of a scientific agenda and more of a political agenda

By Marita Noon Those who don’t believe in climate change are “a threat to the future,” says the Washington Post in a June 14 article on President Obama’s commencement address for the University of California-Irvine. Regarding the speech, the Associated Press reported : “President Obama said denying […]


EPA’s latest power grab is all wet

By Alan Caruba While our attention is focused on events in the Middle East, one of our own domestic regulators is doing everything in its power to kill the provision of electricity to the nation and, at the same time, to control every drop of […]


Cartoon: “The Earth is burning”

By William Warren


Can the U.S. fill the gap of potential oil losses from Iraq?

By Marita Noon While we weren’t paying attention, post-war Iraq grew into a major force in the global oil market. Reaching a 30-year high, its production and exports have climbed steadily since 2011—making Iraq the second largest producer in OPEC, the seventh globally. The International […]


Can the U.S. fill the gap of potential oil losses from Iraq?

By Marita Noon While we weren’t paying attention, post-war Iraq grew into a major force in the global oil market. Reaching a 30-year high, its production and exports have climbed steadily since 2011—making Iraq the second largest producer in OPEC, the seventh globally. The International […]


Obama national monument designations destroy communities, extinguish mining claims

By Marita Noon President Obama is in trouble with his usual allies, not to mention his ever-ready opponents, over two recent acts of excessive executive power: the Bergdahl prisoner swap and the new CO2 regulations announced on Monday, June 2. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA), Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, has […]


The regulatory death of energy in the U.S.

EPA Logo

By Alan Caruba Before President Obama took office in 2009, the amount of electricity being produced by coal-fired utilities was approximately 50 percent of the total. Today it is approximately 40 percent and, as the  Environmental Protection Agency regulations  that took effect on June 2 are fully implemented, more such utilities […]


New EPA regulations a death blow to American energy

By Tom Toth The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced new regulations that place at risk something Americans all now take for granted—turning the lights on. After “Cap-and-Trade” bills failed to attract even modest traction when his Party had a supermajority, President Barack Obama made good on […]


Evidence mounts against climate change, Obama acts anyway

By Rick Manning It has been a bad month in the media for the environmentalist crowd. News has come out that polar bears — a bread and butter fundraising dynamo endangered species for the global warmist crisis machine — may not be in danger at all. The […]

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