
Environmentalist radicals drive up Memorial Day food costs

By Rick Manning A version of this article originally appeared on Breitbart.com. This year, with drought conditions drying up other sources for water, the federal government has gone so far as to cut the farming allocations to zero. Zero water means that crops don’t get planted in many areas of this major agricultural supplier to the […]


Obama administration hides its use of bad science

EPA Logo

By Marita Noon Six years later, we know that President Obama’s pledge to run the most transparent administration in history was merely a campaign promise , a White House talking point , and not a statement of management style. We’ve seen a series of highly public scandals —Fast and Furious, […]


VIDEO – Sting operation uncovers scummy Hollywood environmentalist agenda with reporter disguised as a Middle Eastern oil tycoon

This video is not fiction. Hollywood regularly takes cash from anti-American interests to fund environmentalist propaganda. The Matt Damon film Promised Land, which attempted to scandalize the entire natural gas industry, was primarily funded by Middle Eastern oil giants  looking to undermine American energy companies. Sierra Club’s “Beyond Coal” campaign was funded […]


The liberty and energy connection

By Marita Noon Following my appearance on the Daily Show, I’ve received emails and phone calls from people who don’t agree with my views about energy and the advantages America’s energy abundance provides—benefits that drive both progress and prosperity. Some of the emails can’t be read […]


Obama clings to climate alarmism with National Climate Assessment

By Alan Caruba The continuing drama of a President willing to push climate alarmism continues with the release of a report, the National Climate Assessment. It is a repeat of all the inaccuracies that have been generated by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. […]


Manmade ‘climate disruption’—the hype and reality

By Paul Driessen The White House has released its latest National Climate Assessment. An 829-page report and 127-page “summary” were quickly followed by press releases, television appearances, interviews, and photo ops with tornado victims – all to underscore President Obama’s central claims: Human-induced climate change, […]


Cartoon: Chilly economy

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher resolution version.


Enviros attack markets to kill energy industry

By Rick Manning The strategy has been obvious for a number of years, but rarely has it been so blatantly espoused as in an article by 350.org founder Bill McKibben in Politico Magazine where he attacks the development of a liquified natural gas (LNG) export terminal in suburban Maryland. McKibben, who has been leading the effort to […]


Environmental shakedown through bastardized application of science, policy and education

By Marita Noon Over a three-year period, 2009-2012, Department of Justice data shows American taxpayers footed the bill for more than $53 million in environmental groups’ legal fees — and the actual number could be much higher. The real motivation behind the Endangered Species Act […]


The Supreme Court helps the EPA shut off electricity in America

By Alan Caruba April seems to be the month in which the Supreme Court devotes itself to decisions that have no basis in real science and can do maximum damage to the economy. Invariably, the cases are brought against the Environmental Protection Agency and are decided […]

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