
Joe Kennedy: The end of a family’s legacy

By Rick Manning Where is the outrage, Joe? The communist dictatorship in Venezuela has been engulfed by citizen protests for two months.  High profile celebrities including a former Miss Venezuela, have been murdered in escalating lawlessness throughout the country.  Students and others have peacefully taken to the […]


Environmental Protection Agency hid the risks of diesel emissions testing on human test subjects

EPA Logo

By Rick Manning Once again, the EPA is under fire for not fully disclosing the cancer risks from diesel fume exposures to human test subjects.   But Senator David Vitter hit the nail on the head stating, ““When justifying a job-killing regulation, EPA argues exposure to particulate matter […]


More fraudulent science from EPA on sulfur in gasoline rules

By Paul Driessen The Obama Environmental Protection Agency recently slashed the maximum allowable sulfur content in gasoline from 30 parts per million to 10 ppm. The agency claims its new “Tier 3” rule will bring $7 billion to $19 billion in annual health benefits by 2030. […]


Clouds on the solar horizon

By Marita Noon Consumers considering installing solar panels on their rooftops have far more to think through than the initial decision to “go solar.” They may search for the best price, only to discover, as customers in central Florida did, that after paying $20,000-40,000 for […]


New Virginia law protects farmers from meddling local officials

By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D. In a hard-fought and stunning victory for family farmers and property rights throughout the Commonwealth, Gov. Terry McAuliffe on March 5 signed into law legislation solidifying Virginia’s status as a right-to-farm state by limiting local officials’ ability to interfere with […]


U.S. electricity system in regulatory and terrorist crosshairs

By Paul Driessen and Roger Bezdek Government agencies are forcing us to spend countless billions on illusory risks and anti-fossil fuel mandates, while ignoring real threats to our livelihoods, living standards, and lives. America runs on electricity.  Our lights, refrigerators, air conditioners and furnace controls, computers and […]


Learning from extremists’ tactics, job creators file a lawsuit against the federal government

By Marita Noon For years environmentalists have usurped individual private property rights and thwarted economic development. Now, thanks to Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, it appears that the job creators may have finally learned something from the extreme tactics of groups, like the Wild Earth […]


U.S. energy, Ukraine, and Russia

By Alan Caruba Ukraine came apart when a protest against its president forced him to flee to Russia. The issue was whether Ukraine would be allied with Russia or with the European Union. Due to a combination of the obscene corruption of its former president, […]


Will the Supreme Court permit EPA climate fraud?

By Paul Driesson The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency. The case will determine how far EPA can extend its regulatory overreach, to control “climate changing” carbon dioxide from power plants and other facilities — […]


Professor calls for jailing climate opponents, ushering a new age of ‘tolerance’

By Rick Manning Some random philosophy professor from the Rochester Institute of Technology named Lawrence Torcello has decided that if you don’t agree with him on climate change, then you should be criminally prosecuted.  Here is his actual quote in the UK journal, “The Conversation”, “We have good reason […]

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