
Where are the sane Democrats emerging to denounce the Russia collusion hoax?

By Robert Romano Where are the sane Democrats emerging to denounce the Russia collusion hoax after Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report to the Attorney General found no coordination or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election? Admittedly, it is certainly hard for members of Congress who staked […]


Cartoon: Troubled Waters

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher level resolution version.


Declassify everything, Mr. President. If the full Mueller report is to be released in ‘weeks,’ then so should everything else.

By Robert Romano By now, the American people have had the opportunity to take a look at Attorney General William Barr’s summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report concluding his investigation. We all know the toplines. After an exhaustive three-year inquiry by the Justice Department, which Mueller took […]


Tale of two countries

By Rick Manning The State of Maryland failed by one vote in the Senate to pass assisted suicide legislation to go along with trying to override Governor Larry Hogan’s veto of a bill to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour ending more than 90,000 jobs and pushing business […]


House fails to overturn Trump’s national emergency declaration on the southern border

By Robert Romano The House of Representatives failed in a vote to override President Donald Trump’s veto of a resolution that would have blocked Trump’s national emergency declaration on the southern border to build the wall, with a vote of 248 to 181 , well short of the 287 votes that would have […]


The Trump administration takes on the opioid epidemic

By Richard McCarty Starting at the top, the Trump administration has made fighting the opioid epidemic a priority. To this end, President Trump appointed a commission, declared an emergency, and has signed two pieces of legislation relating to the opioid crisis. The President has also discussed the […]


We need a new Church Committee to expose who in the Obama administration was behind the Russia collusion hoax

By Robert Romano No collusion, no obstruction. That’s what we know now from Attorney General William Barr’s summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report. The Justice Department and the nation’s intelligence agencies spent almost three years and perhaps longer investigating the Trump campaign and then President Donald Trump for a […]


Cartoon: Schiff Fit

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher level resolution version.


No conspiracy or coordination with Russia on election interference and no obstruction clears Trump

By Rick Manning Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his final report to Attorney General William Barr determined that “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” Similarly, Attorney General William Barr and Deputy Attorney […]


Can the Fed engineer another recession before Nov. 2020?

By Robert Romano Recession warning lights are flashing predictably after the Federal Reserve has finally ended quantitative easing — it’s now dumping $50 billion of government and mortgage bonds a month—and short-term interest rates have risen. The 10-year-3-month treasuries spread inverted on March 22, and the 10-year-2-year and the 10-year-federal-funds-rate do not […]

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