07.05.2024 0

Defiant Biden Refuses to Acknowledge his Declining Mental State

By Rick Manning

President Joe Biden faced ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos in an interview on July 5 where the President denied any cognitive impairment, refused to be examined by an independent doctor, refused to take a cognitive test and insisted that he is not suffering from low public approval ratings.

Meanwhile the dam has broken and people close to Biden, including some in the White House, are being quoted in droves with reports of a President who neither works very hard nor is particularly mentally acute.

While a combative Biden avoided any major stumbles or glitches in the interview, the avalanche of evidence of his mental challenges that have been seen for much of his presidency point to an internal cover up of his mental state.

Beyond Biden the question is who knew about his failing faculties and when did they know it?

That was one of the key questions asked during the Watergate investigation. But in an even bigger scandal — the Biden competency cover up — the stakes are much higher.

A significant cadre of people both in power or enabling those in power, had to know that Joe Biden was not of sound mind — a condition which put our nation’s security at risk — and they publicly denied it.

The issue was so pervasive and obvious to those paying attention to the vacant eyes and clear struggle to maintain focus that Vice President Kamala Harris had to address it publicly at least eleven separate times over the past year.

A typical answer by Harris was given on January 25, 2024, when she said, “This is someone who is tireless in terms of working.”

Left-wing news site Axios reported that White House aides claim that the tireless Biden is dependably engaged from 10 am to 4 pm, which is why many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours. Others have reported that Biden often naps during this time of dependable engagement.

Given Harris’ typical word salad responses on most issues, maybe she was confused about the meaning of “tireless,” but that term doesn’t generally include naps in the middle of the afternoon.

Here is the problem with the question of who knew and when did they know it. 

Everyone knew. The media knew. The White House staff and Cabinet Secretaries knew. The donors knew. World leaders knew. Everyone knew but the American people, from whom the left-wing elites hoped to hide President Biden’s condition.

They put their own political interests above the national security interests of the United States until Joe Biden displayed his mental challenges before 50 million people on a national stage. Failing in a debate that was staged to protect him from prolonged answers or direct confrontation which would expose his decline. 

Only then did the Democratic party establishment, major donors and their media allies end up in an uproar over what to do about the “suddenly” incompetent Biden.

Please understand, they knew his mental state, and they did not care until you found out.

Those who obnoxiously sneer the word “democracy” at anyone who dares oppose them in their “battle for the soul of America” have some explaining to do.

Hiding an incompetent candidate from the public in the hopes of fooling them to vote for him is the opposite of democracy. It is a direct affront to the notion of “consent of the governed” where consent should be informed, rather than based upon a lie.

Those who covered up Joe Biden’s obviously failing cognitive health also put our nation and the world at risk. World leaders who spend time with the President clearly knew of his struggles as witnessed by Biden’s wandering off at the G-7 photo-op. After he was rounded up and led back to the group by the Italian Prime Minister, the rest of the leaders gathered around him, almost in a reflexive way to keep him in the picture.

In case anyone questions the culpability of those around the President in hiding his mental state, ask yourself why Attorney General Merrick Garland is now subject to a contempt of Congress charge due to his unwillingness to release the audio transcript of Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

It was Robert Hur who wrote in his Special Counsel report on Biden’s illegal possession of classified documents over the past twenty years, that the President was unfit to stand trial.

The Wall Street Journal wrote, “The report in particular chronicles Biden’s apparent memory lapses as a factor investigators mulled. Biden’s conversations with his ghostwriter were ‘often painfully slow,’ the report said, ‘with Mr. Biden struggling to remember events and straining at times to read and relay his own notebook entries.’

“Biden’s memory in his interview with the special counsel’s office was even worse, the report said. He didn’t remember when he was vice president, forgot when his term had ended, or when his son Beau died, it said. Biden also allegedly forgot who his allies had been on Afghanistan policy and mistakenly identified one as an antagonist, the report said. ‘His memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him,’ it added.”

For those claiming that the President’s mental capacity has declined dramatically over the past couple of months, that is extremely alarming as the Hur interview was conducted on Oct. 8 through Oct. 9 of 2023 — fully nine months ago. 

The fact that Garland chose to cover up the audio of the interview puts him at the center of the cover up.

If Hur knew Biden was incompetent, those who are now scrambling for a solution on how to remove Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee, also knew, and they specifically chose to discourage a robust primary challenge.

The obvious question not asked by the ABC interviewer and former Clinton aide was, will you direct your Attorney General to release the audio of the Robert Hur interview to show his assessment of your mental state was wrong?

It is unlikely that Biden, who rejected taking a cognitive test, would allow the release of the damning audio. But the media should demand its release.

As Democrats struggle with what to do about a Biden whose heels are dug in, those who use the word “democracy” as a cudgel find themselves hoisted on their own petard. After denying a legitimate Democrat primary process, they now are in the position of having to push out their chosen candidate against his will effectively wiping away the primary results.

If the President had suffered any other physically disabling event, like a broken hip or a serious illness, every effort should be made to help them get a different candidate on the ballot. Given that they knew Biden was not up to the job, but never once thought of the national interest in removing him from office and then foisted him upon the country in an attempt to fool the public for another four years, they need to be held accountable for leading the most dangerous cover-up in our nation’s history.

Congress needs to hold 25th amendment hearings on Biden’s competency, and in the process compile the names of those who sought to subvert democracy by trying to hide a president who can’t do the job so they could have power for another four years. The people deserve to know who is responsible, so they can decide if these operatives and elites can ever be trusted to get anywhere near political power again.

Rick Manning is the President of Americans for Limited Government.

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