11.30.2009 0

The WIRE: Tilting the Scales Towards Racial Bias

  • On: 12/03/2009 09:32:26
  • In: Slapshot

  • Tilting the Scales Towards Racial Bias

    He is the vice chairman of the radical Justice at Stake Campaign, which since 2004 has received nearly $3 million from Obama consort George Soros’ Open Society Institute. He has also received an additional $1.5 from Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett’s left-wing Joyce Foundation.

    He has twice been rejected by the voters of North Carolina for a seat on that state’s Supreme Court. And he has openly attacked America’s judiciary system for being “disproportionately white and male.”

    “He” is North Carolina Court of Appeals Judge James A. Wynn. And he has now been nominated by Barack Obama for a pivotal seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit.

    Don Todd, editor of the popular ALG Research publication “NomineeAlert” has written of Wynn, “He is another Obama nominee who appears to be more concerned about the color of one’s skin than their ability to perform on the job.” And with good reason.

    In his ponderous book, with the equally ponderous title Perspectives: Judicial Elections Versus Merit Selection: Judicial Diversity: Where Independence and Accountability Meet, Wynn wrote:

    “Indeed, the American judiciary is disproportionately white and male. These white men disproportionately make judgments affecting African-Americans, women, and other minorities… More important than a perception of bias, however, is that the absence of diversity creates (in fact) a judicial partiality to the values and stories of the groups overrepresented – white men – in its midst.”

    And one can almost see the learned judge checking under the bed for “white men” in hooded robes.

    Clearly, if one of Judge Wynn’s dreaded “white men” penned such a scathing excoriation of “black men,” that unabashed bigot would be lucky to get a job judging dog shows. Yet, now – unless the Senate Republicans stand firm – James Allen could soon be lifting the blindfold off Lady Justice and tilting the scales towards racial bias.

    All the King’s Men

    First, it became clear that Obama’s Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner – one of the primary engineers of Barack Obama’s Illusionary Recovery – is on the ropes. Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle have called for his dismissal. And according to a November 20 Rasmussen Poll, more than twice as many Americans (42%) rate Geithner’s performance as “Poor” as those who rate it “Good” (just 20%).

    And now comes the news that embattled Fed Chair, Ben Bernanke, up for reconfirmation, may also be on the ropes. He is sure to face intense grilling at his Senate Banking Committee hearing today.

    GOP Senators Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Jim Bunning (R-KY), both members of the Committee, are already raising serious questions about the controversial TALF program Bernanke administers, saying in a letter to New York Fed Chairman Dennis Hughes, “There are many details of this program that are opaque and call for scrutiny.” And Connecticut Senator Bernie Sanders announced late last night that he has put a hold on the Bernanke nomination.

    And the Obama Administration dare not try to go over the heads of the Senate to rally public support. According to a December 2 Rasmussen Poll, only 21% of the American people favor Bernanke’s reappointment as Fed Chairman.

    One only hopes that for Bernanke’s sake, the Fed Chair who has helped steer the economy into the shoals studied the George Costanza Tapes in preparation for his testimony — particularly the episode in which George responds to an interrogatory from his boss about having sex with the cleaning lady:

    George Costanza:

    [pause] Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing is frowned upon . . . you know, cause I’ve worked in a lot of offices, and I tell you, people do that all the time.
    Best memorize that line, Mr. Bernanke.

    Housekeeping: Washington About to Get WIRED for News

    Beginning at 9:00 a.m., on Monday, December 7, the new Washington WIRE 24-hour Web news feed will begin full-scale operation.

    For the first time ever, political news hawks will be able to get the Top News, Top Blogs, and even Top Newsmakers’ Tweets on late-breaking issues – all at the push of a button — from a single, easily-accessed, online source.

    And that’s just at the top of The WIRE. By quickly scrolling down, journalists and news junkies alike will be able to instantly access a constantly updating compilation of the latest news from top political leaders and organizations from across the political spectrum.
    “The idea,” ALG Senior News Editor Robert Romano explained “is to provide a thoroughly vetted, up-to-the-minute, turn-to site reporters can access instantaneously any time day or night to get vital news updates as well as exclusive material unavailable anywhere else.”

    NetRight News Editor Adam Bitely, who developed the WIRE’s proprietary aggregating and updating system, described the site as “a Washington-oriented Drudge Report on uppers.” Added Bitely, “The Newsmakers Tweets feature – with some of politics’ top players all under one roof, as it were – will make getting quotes and comments as easy as calling up Twitter and scrolling down the list.”

    For those who don’t want to wait for Monday’s “Grand Opening” – and don’t mind watching a work in progress — the ALG/NRN news team has made the beta site available at WashingtonWire.org. And, of course, comments and questions are always welcome.

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