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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson’s quote of the day in reference to the Chris Dodd Financial Takeover Bill: “The American people have not been told the truth about amendments being voted upon in the Dodd bill. The bailouts and government takeovers are still included.”
- The Crippling Price of Public Employee Unions
- The Revenue Limits of Tax And Spend
- Kagan Thesis: “Sad that U.S. Socialist Movement Imploded”
- Kerry-Lieberman Cap and Trade Bill is a Joke
- Climategate Taxpayer Fraud Investigation Draws Ideological Heat
- A Slow-burn Bonfire of Liberties
- Obama Begins to Reign In Congress…
- Holder Dodges the Obvious Truth
- Obama’s Base Likely to Disappoint Dems
- Pelosi: “Quit Your Job, We’ll Pay for your Health coverage”
- ObamaCare Is Already Failing…
- ACORN Moves Offshore
- McCain Campaign Staff Shake-up…
- The Virus of Totalitarianism