05.18.2010 0 Comments

The Daily Wrap-Up: May 18

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The Daily Wrap-Up according to Adam Bitely:

Good Tuesday Afternoon –

Today is Primary Day in Arkansas, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Oregon. Each state has primaries for the House, Senate and Governor (except Kentucky, which has just House and Senate primaries today). We will be covering the results at NetRightDaily.com throughout the night.

And while you are waiting for election results, check out these posts:

Is today the end of the road for Arlen Specter? It seems unlikely that an incumbent who is statistically tied with his opponent can win. Tomorrow, we may be referring to Specter as the outgoing Senator from Pennsylvania.

In Kentucky, Rand Paul credits his success to the Tea Party Movement. With double digit leads against Secretary of State Trey Grayson, Rand Paul says the Tea Party Movement is the reason for his success. Will they carry him across the finish line in what would be a major victory for the year old grassroots movement?

Now on to the day’s news:

South Korea blamed North Korea for the sinking of their warship in March that resulted in 46 dead.

D.C. was rocked today with the announcement that Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN) would resign after admitting to having an affair. Check out the abstinence video he made with the staffer involved in the incident here.

Did Connecticut AG and U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Blumenthal serve in Vietnam? Those that have heard him speak would believe he did. But according to Blumenthal, who was busted for his lack of service in Vietnam by NYT reporter Raymond Hernandez, he claims he misspoke.

If you work for the Department of Labor, you will strike it rich! Staffers at DOL that followed Solis over from Capitol Hill have seen there salary increase nearly 100%! What a deal! Too bad the rest of us see our taxes go up to pay for this malfeasance.

Candidates feel TARP heat. Reid Wilson at Hotline On Call has the write-up that you need to see.

Peter Roff at U.S. News says that Kagan’s nomination for SCOTUS has stalled. According to Roff, “By now the White House must realize that its selection of U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan to be the next associate justice of the United States Supreme Court could be going better. Kagan, the former dean of the prestigious Harvard Law School, has spent the past week introducing herself to members of the U.S. Senate, but has yet to see the American people embrace her nomination–which may be an early indication that her hopes for confirmation may be headed to the rocks.” Continue reading.

Obama says the Press Freedom Act is important, but how would he rank on the State Department Press Freedom Index? After he concluded the signing ceremony, Obama refused to take questions from the very people he claimed to be supportive of.

Alex Pappas at the Daily Caller says that the visuals from a Specter loss will embarrass Obama: “One reader awoke this morning at his Philadelphia apartment to find this election day advertisement with visuals of Obama and Specter campaigning together. In Obama’s standard campaign font, the text calls Specter ‘President Obama’s choice for Pennsylvania.'”

–Also, check out this awesome site showing you what a Philadelphia Polling location looks like. You will definitely find this interesting. (H/T @aski04)

Did Republicans Roll Over? Robert Romano at Americans for Limited Government says they did on the Chris Dodd Financial Takeover Bill.

Do you have something that should be included in the Daily Wrap-Up? Please send it to Adam@netrightnation.com.

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