By Adam Bitely – On November 27th, 2010, American Express along with several non-profits , encouraged people to participate in a national Small Business Saturday , similar to shopping holidays like “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” where Americans would change their normal shopping patterns and intentionally devote their resources towards small businesses identified by […]
By Bill Wilson – On the surface, Barack Obama’s announced two-year freeze of federal civilian pay may sound like a reasonable overture to congressional Republicans and the American people who want unsustainable government spending to be reined in. But, just below the surface is the reality that […]
This is the first installment of Americans For Limited Government’s new weekly show looking at what lies ahead in Washington. It features a commentary and, most importantly, our “Big Government Bozo”. Plus check out our piece on a court nominee.
This is the first installment of Americans For Limited Government’s new weekly show looking at what lies ahead in Washington. It features a commentary and, most importantly, our “Big Government Bozo”. Plus check out our piece on a court nominee.
By Rick Manning – There will be a lot of heat generated in the first month of the 112th Congress as the newly elected Republican majority in the House of Representatives moves, as they should, to repeal the signature legislation of the Pelosi era — ObamaCare. It […]
This week is when the Steering Committee will make their decision on Upton’s future. They will decide if they want to promote a bailout loving, free market hating, light bulb regulating, career politician to serve as Chairman of the very important House Energy & Commerce […]
By Howard Rich – As the European economy grapples with yet another bailout of a bankrupt sovereign state, a storyline is emerging that seeks to frame this latest instance of government interventionism along deliberately disingenuous lines. According to this misleading narrative, Ireland’s abysmal fiscal condition […]