The Defund NPR movement has yet another win–a victory on YouCut . Due to the YouCut victory, Congressman Doug Lamborn’s (CO-05) bill to stop taxpayer funding for National Public Radio (NPR) will go to the House floor for a vote. The vote could come later this […]
By Rick Manning – The U.S. Senate is expected to vote today on the nominations of two particularly troublesome Obama judiciary nominees, Robert Chatigny and Goodwin Liu. The lame duck Senate consideration of the nominations is seen as their last chance for confirmation given the changed, more […]
President Barack Obama’s debt and deficit commission has been looking at what cuts to make in order to balance our budget. Their suggestions to make it happen will give us a balanced budget in 30 years and that is a long time. Remember 30 years ago? Reporter Frank McCaffrey looks at the issue and goes back in time to the era when people wore Sassoon jeans while listening to Blondie.
After Democrats were trounced at the polls on Nov. 2 over Nancy Pelosi’s controversial leaderships, Democrats chose to maintain Nancy Pelosi as their minority leader. With a vote of 150-43, Pelosi maintained her party leadership role. According to The Hill : Members of the caucus voted overwhelmingly […]
Yesterday, in a bold move that directly addresses the need for unity and a true bottom up leadership approach to the problems facing America, American Majority and American Majority Action unveiled an ambitious plan to take back America. “On the heels of an historic mid-term election, […]
Fred Barnes wrote a rather ill conceived endorsement of Fred Upton for Chairman of the House Energy & Commerce Committee. Barnes forgot a couple of facts in his plea to conservatives that Upton would be a good Chair of the committee. Upton, who supported a […]
By Bill Wilson – Why put off until tomorrow that which can be fixed today? In its lame-duck session, the Pennsylvania legislature on November 15th considered HB 2497, a bill whose sole purpose is to underfund the state’s pension system by approximately $2.9 billion over the next […]
By William Warren – Today’s toon focuses on the poll that came out yesterday citing that 26 percent of Americans think Obama will be reelected. I tied this in to a Thanksgiving reference.