03.07.2011 2

Biggest Monthly Deficit Ever…

The Debt Star

The biggest monthly deficit of all time was reported this month:

The federal government posted its largest monthly deficit in history in February at $223 billion, according to preliminary numbers the Congressional Budget Office released Monday morning.

That figure tops last February’s record of $220.9 billion, and marks the 29th straight month the government has run in the red — a modern record. The last time the federal government posted even a monthly surplus was September 2008, just before the financial collapse.

Last month’s federal deficit is nearly four times as large as the spending cuts House Republicans have passed in their spending bill, and is more than 30 times the size of Senate Democrats’ opening bid of $6 billion.

The referenced cuts above from House Republicans total roughly $61.3 billion and there is no sign that Democrats in the Senate are prepared to go along with those. 92 Republicans also voted against measures in the same bill to increase the cuts closer to the $100 billion that they pledged to cut inside of the “Pledge to America”.

Does anyone in Washington get it? The spending needs to stop–now.

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