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Good Tuesday afternoon,
Here are the Must Reads according to Adam Bitely:
- Is China preparing to dump its $1 trillion of U.S. treasuries?
- You Vote: Should the debt ceiling be raised without spending cuts/reforms?
- Boehner hedging on debt-limit vote?
- Reliance on Uncle Sam hits a record…
- RomneyCare’s unhappy anniversary…
- Sowell: Race and economics
- The irresistible force of school reform meets the immovable object of teachers unions
- Gulf Coast Remains “The Aorta of the U.S.” Despite BP Disaster But Obama Administration Needs to Go, Industry Leader Says
- Senator Lamar Alexander: The White House vs. Boeing
- Can the government compel the NFL to stay open for business?
- Goodell: The future of the NFL if the players win…
- China as No. 1? Give us a break
- Keep your hands off my drone!
- I want sustainability (which is why I support free markets)
- It’s time to update the tax pledge