
Europe’s question mark

By Robert Romano — Europe has absolutely no idea how it is going to get itself out of its current predicament, as evidenced by a wide range of proposals now under consideration to bail out banks that bet poorly on the debts of Greece, Italy, and other […]


Senate may vote on Mari Del Carmen Aponte appointment to Ambassador to El Salvador

By Rick Manning — Americans for Limited Government led the charge against the confirmation of Barack Obama’s appointee to the ambassadorship of El Salvador, Mari Del Carmen Aponte until August of 2010, when Obama gave her a recess appointment to serve until Congress went out of session in 2011. […]


The “Occupy” Movement Makes Money For A Member Of The One Percent…Jay-Z

The rapper who has made millions off of selling music to young people now sells t-shirts to “Occupiers.” Guess what? He isn’t giving them the profits! Reporter Frank McCaffrey has the story.


11 Big Gov’t Busts of ’11: #10-Keystone XL Pipeline

Here is a look at jobs that could have been but were blocked. Here’s the tale of the Keystone XL pipeline. See how this made our Top 11 Big Gov’t Busts of 2011.


Must Reads for December 7

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Wednesday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : Obama vs. Capitalism Stossel: Ten years to Greece A lesson in fairness for Obama Cartoon: You stink! Are we standing on the edge of the climate change “abyss”? Tax rates, inequality and the 1% Obama’s indefinite detention powers Have conservatives dropped their love for the constitution? Obama’s idea of transparency: A financial czar shielded by the Fed China’s economic model is superior, if you think that U.S. living standards should drop by 80% Obama isn’t powerless Dodd-Frank law: Regulations won’t fix what’s wrong Top 11 Big Government Busts of 2011: #11


You stink!

Cartoon by William Warren NRD Editor’s Note: As always, you may reprint this cartoon anywhere you please, but we ask that you provide a link back to this source. To see more Warren Toons, click here .


31 arrested in McPherson Square can occupy somewhere else: jail

By Rebecca DiFede — This weekend, after months of “occupying” McPherson Square with little to no trouble, 31 occupiers were arrested by D.C. police officers and escorted off the premise. It may be surprising that this is the first arrest since the inception of the […]


China’s Startling Strategic Play in the Pacific

By Bill Wilson — Twenty-seven years before a massive Japanese carrier task force set sail from Hitokappu Bay in Iturup to attack the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor, a single Japanese ship steamed southeast into Chuuk (then called “Truk”), a tiny island with a deep lagoon […]


Get the Government out of Your Linen Closet!

NRD Editor’s Note: Please see the below action alert from Eagle Forum and take action now! “We easily advanced from kerosene lamps to Edison’s light bulbs, from horse and carriage to automobiles, and from cassettes to CDs and DVDs, without any laws to mandate those […]


Senate rejects cloture on D.C. Circuit nominee Caitlin Halligan

The Senate shot down a cloture motion on Obama nominee Caitlin Halligan to serve on the D.C. Circuit Court. Senate Republicans have done the right thing by blocking a radical, unqualified ideologue, Caitlin Halligan, from taking a seat on the federal bench.  Along with Goodwin Liu, Halligan’s nomination marked a move by the Obama White House to […]

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