
Unemployment rate actually 11.04 percent

By Bill WilsonAccording to former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich , employment needs to grow by at least 90,000 a month just to keep up with the growth of the population. But, since the fall of 2008 , the civilian labor force has actually shrunk from 154.7 million to 153.8 million , a contraction of about 900,000. It’s not that fertility […]


11 Big Gov’t Busts of ’11: #7 The Food Police

By Frank McCaffrey — The Obama Administration is telling you how to eat. it has enlisted Michelle Obama to lead the charge. Here now is our explanation for why they have made it to our top 11.


Government Already Blocking Internet Access

By Robert Romano — Since being introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, the so-called “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA) has drawn strong opposition from Internet companies large and small, as well as civil libertarians and grassroots organizations.  One of the major criticisms is that the legislation would give the government […]


Big government victims need protection, too.

By Rebekah Rast — If you ever ran a lemonade stand as a child you were aware of the basic market principles of supply and demand. If your lemonade was sold at too high a price, you likely didn’t get much business, or if you […]


Light bulb ban suspended

As part of the spending agreement reached by Congress to keep the government’s lights on (pun intended) and the doors open, the Federal ban on incandescent light bulbs has been suspended for the time being. This means that you will still be able to purchase […]


11 Big Gov’t Busts of ’11: #2-Our National Finances

More debt, more spending and threats of new taxes. It has been like the Obama Administration is trying to do the exact opposite of what it takes to rebuild an economy. Our top 11 list rates our nation’s finances at number two.


11 Big Gov’t Busts of ’11: #3-Solyndra

We were told that green jobs would be our saving grace. In 2011, this green jobs company got into trouble. It is now on our top 11 list!


2012 GOP Nomination Elimination Match: Round 1

Live Voting Below With the Iowa caucuses just a few weeks away, we thought it would be fun to host the 2012 GOP Nomination Elimination Match. This tournament will feature all 7 GOP Presidential candidates facing off in an 8 seed tournament with “None of […]


House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith Calls Internet Censorship Opponents Liars

Rep. Lamar Smith is attacking opponents of a free and open Internet by calling them liars. Just look at this press release from the official House Judiciary Committee website : Chairman Smith responded today to a letter that appeared in several newspapers from founders of Internet companies like Google, Twitter, and eBay regarding criticisms of the Stop Online […]


Must Reads for December 15

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Thursday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : Internet censorship bill ‘un-American’ Government shutdown threat escalates The never-ending budget battle Cartoon: The Person of The Year Could Ron Paul win? 2012: Candidate X? A 100-watt incandescent bulb makes a nice stocking stuffer this year Commander in Creep Do we need Big Government? Putin’s divided Russia

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