09.26.2012 0

Winner of the Caption Contest: BARAAAK! Polly wants her food stamps! BARAAAK…..

Barack, polly wants her food stamps, barack!By Rick Manning — The winner of the Obama/Pirate caption contest achieved something that is rare in this world, and actual laugh out loud, from contest judges.

Among the many outstanding entries which played upon the themes of Obamacare, Pillaging, Pretending and Plunder, the winner, NAME OR SCREEN NAME, captured the essence of satire with his:

“BARAAAK! Polly wants her food stamps! BARAAAK…..”

Coming in a very close second was a submission by someone using the pseudonym Heritage providing a clever dig at what used to be the three main television networks, a poster offered:

President Obama: “What’s your parrot’s name? I’ve named my parrots ‘A-beecee’, ‘Seebeesse’ and ‘Enne-Beecee’.”

The winner of the contest will be receiving a $100 VISA gift card, but the real winners were anyone who took the time to read all the comments at the contest site.  It is incredible how many creative, truly funny people participated.

If you want a chuckle, take five minutes and check out the comments and see if you agree with the judges choice.

Rick Manning is the Communications Director at Americans for Limited Government.

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