02.18.2014 1

SEIU Front Group “Wisconsin Jobs Now” Promotes ObamaCare, Law Breaking

SEIU_wisconsin_jobs_nowBy Brad Tidwell

The “nonpartisan” Wisconsin Jobs Now, funded nearly entirely by SEIU Healthcare, is an Obamacare certified application counselor with a history of lawbreaking.

“Wisconsin Jobs Now” is a self-described “community-based, non-profit organization” focused on issues like “economic justice” and “fighting income inequality.” However, when you look into their financial statements, it becomes immediately clear that they are little more than an arm of SEIU Healthcare Wisconsin and SEIU International, from whom they received over $100,000 in 2012.

Their partisanship was clearly on display in 2012, where they were at the forefront of the Wisconsin State Senate recall elections:

“The group Wisconsin Jobs Now! gained notoriety last year when it was caught handing out barbecue chicken dinners to voters in conjunction with free rides to the polls in last summer’s Wisconsin state senate recall elections. That activity landed them an investigation by prosecutors. This year the group, which bills itself as a “non-partisan organization” on its website, is leading early voting efforts in Milwaukee that predominantly benefit the Democratic candidates for governor and lieutenant governor.”

The article further explains the ties to the SEIU, describing how many of the top organizers of Wisconsin Jobs Now also drew paychecks from the SEIU directly.

But the questionable activity did not end there – Wisconsin Jobs Now organizers have been legally implicated in 40 arrests and multiple investigations:

“Police cited Zellner and 16 others for harassing and disrupting a political fundraiser held by a Republican state official in January of 2012. In addition to Zellner, at least three of those cited worked for Wisconsin Jobs Now. They were Matthew S. Finnell, who still blogs and writes for the organization, Nicholas A. Janis, and the previously investigated Stoner.

“An early participate in the Occupy Wall Street movement, Wisconsin Jobs Now has hosted sit-ins at district offices of Republican members of Congress and recruited people to disrupt an in-district speaking engagement of Congressman Paul Ryan. The result was 19 people arrested for disturbing the peace at the office of Senator Ron Johnson, and three people arrested during the Ryan speech.”

And now, the group responsible for so many broken laws and arrests is certified to promote Obamacare in Wisconsin. Despite the fact that they have zero experience with healthcare, they will be responsible to “help people understand, apply, and enroll for health coverage through the Marketplace.”

If their previous experience is any indication, you can expect to see more questionable activity. Particularly given the fact that as of October 2013, “less than 50” people had signed up for Obamacare in the whole state of Wisconsin. Given their history, it wouldn’t be surprising if even that number was manipulated as well.

Brad Tidwell is the web editor for Americans for Limited Government.

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