
Time running out to prevent the Green New Deal

By Robert Romano One of the centerpieces of the Trump administration’s deregulation agenda is the rescission of the Clean Power Plan that was put into place by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2015 under former President Barack Obama. Comprising in part the new and existing power plant rules by the EPA, the […]


Cartoon: Ground Game

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher level resolution version.


How McCain trafficking the Steele dossier alleging Trump-Russia conspiracy to the media unwittingly led to it being debunked

By Robert Romano The dossier by former British spy Chistopher Steele paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign that alleged President Donald Trump was a Russian agent was trafficked to the FBI and media outlets in late 2016 by the late Sen. John McCain […]


Questions raised by inconsistent treatment of Fox News host Jeanine Pirro and U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar

By Richard McCarty Compare and contrast the swift treatment of Fox News host Jeanine Pirro and U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). Last week, Pirro questioned if Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s hijab signifies that she supports Islamic Sharia law and asserted that Sharia law is inconsistent with the U.S. […]


America wins with new international cargo ship fuel regulation 

By Rick Manning An international regulation coming out of the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) would both significantly lower pollution levels being generated by the container shipping industry while also benefitting the U.S. oil refining industry and those who work in it. It is no secret […]


House set to vote on veto override of bill to stop Trump emergency declaration to build wall on March 26

By Robert Romano The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on March 26 in an attempt to override President Donald Trump’s veto of a resolution that would stop him from building the southern border wall with his national emergency declaration. There is only one problem. The House clearly lacks the votes […]


7.6 million job openings tell you the Trump economy is still growing

By Robert Romano Job openings rose to nearly 7.6 million in January, data by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows , outpacing unemployment of just 6.2 million for the eleventh straight month. And that unquestionably means that the U.S. economy under President Donald Trump is still expanding. There are more job openings than job seekers, […]


Cartoon: Cair-ful

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher level resolution version.


A St. Patrick’s Day lesson for Ireland on good tax policy

By Rick Manning As originally published at TheHill.com. One of the enduring legends associated with Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland — whose feast day many of us will celebrate Sunday — is the sprouting into a living tree of the ash walking stick he planted into the soil of Aspatria. Similarly, investment […]


President Trump to veto Congressional resolution attempting to stop him from building the wall

By Robert Romano “VETO!” That was President Donald Trump’s one-word response on Twitter to the Senate after it passed a resolution to overturn his national emergency declaration on the southern border. The resolution passed 59 to 41 , with 12 Senate Republicans voting in favor. That was enough to pass the Senate, but 59 votes […]

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