What Biden is doing is unconstitutional. The Department of Labor does not have the authority to impose these mandates through OSHA. Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning is a regular guest on the Mike Hayes Radio Show on WIZM radio in LaCrosse, WI. This […]
This is a Hail Mary for a failing president. Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning is a weekly guest on the Michael Yaffee radio show on WVNN in Huntsville, AL. This week they talked about Biden’s sweeping new Covid vaccine mandates which will impact […]
By Robert Romano “This is not about freedom, or personal choice. It’s about protecting yourself and those around you. The people you work with. The people you care about. The people you love. My job as President is to protect all Americans.” That was President Joe Biden […]
We literally printed $5 trillion to cover the spending. Unsurprisingly, inflation popped. By Robert Romano In order to offset his next massive $3.5 trillion stimulus spending bill, President Joe Biden is proposing to increase taxes on wealthy Americans , a bid to justify the influx of new spending, by claiming its “paid […]
Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning joins Huntsville, AL radio host Michael Yaffee of WVNN radio every Friday at 11 am ET to talk news of the day. Most recently, Rick and Michael talked about the August jobs report. Rick served as a political appointee in the George W Bush administration’s labor department and is a respected […]
The Covid Pandemic has transformed the way we work every bit as much as it has transformed everything else. By Richard Manning The American workforce has undergone a major transformation over the past two years that promises to change the way America earns money and […]
By Robert Romano At the height of the Covid pandemic lockdowns in the winter and spring of 2020, schools, businesses and government offices across the country experienced massive closures. Air travel ground to almost a halt. And distribution systems for goods were temporarily disrupted. As a result, […]
Hapless Joe Biden’s summer has been a disaster. From rising Covid cases, rising inflation, to the death of U.S. service members in Afghanistan. Now, it looks like his domestic spending agenda is in peril. By Catherine Mortensen Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) is calling for a “legislative pause” […]
Any eviction is sad, but what is even more sad is when apartment buildings fall into disrepair hurting everyone due to federal government actions that push property owners to the brink of bankruptcy due to the denial of revenues from rent collections. By Richard Manning […]
By Robert Romano The unadjusted consumer price index as measured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics was 5.28 percent for the month of July, slightly lower than June at 5.32 percent, but still measuring the highest inflation on record since July 2008, when it hit nearly 5.5 percent. The latest numbers come as Congress has […]