President Biden promised that help was on the way. Instead, help wanted signs were on the way. By Catherine Mortensen Florida restaurant owner Kevin Wakefield, like millions of other small business owners across the country, can’t find enough workers. “We’re overrun with business, which is a great […]
“Biden’s unlawful extension of the eviction moratorium will result in renters living in squalor in the short term, and higher rental prices in the long term.” Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning joins host Michael Yaffee of WVNN radio in Birmingham, AL on Friday mornings at […]
“Republicans need to fight tooth and nail over the next 18 months to fight against Big Government, or they are going to lose in the polls.” Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning is a frequent guest on the Mike Hayes Radio Show on WIZM radio in […]
“It is evil to encourage people to choose unemployment over work.” By Richard Manning The July 2021 Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report (BLS) shows the Democrats’ policy of giving extra COVID payments to the unemployed is keeping people out of the work force. It is evil to encourage people to choose unemployment over […]
Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning joins radio host Michael Yaffee of Birmingham, AL every Friday at 11 am ET to talk news of the day. This week Rick and Michael talked about the Democrat’ irresponsible spending bills. Listen here:
Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning is a regular guest on the Mike Hayes Radio Show in LaCrosse, WI. This week Rick and Hayes talked about how Republicans can win the mid-term elections if they vote NO to all the Democrats’ spending bills. “When the campaign […]
“It’s terrible that Republicans are going along with this. It’s foolish. We can’t afford it. It is time to say no to new spending.” Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning is a guest each Thursday at 7:45 pm ET on the Lars Larson Radio show. This […]
By Rick Manning On July 29, U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) and U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.) introduced a bipartisan resolution that would have Congress consider eliminating U.S. sugar subsidies when “the President determines that all such subsidies by all such countries have been eliminated…” in a fair and reciprocal […]