
Are 39 percent of small businesses really permanently closed after Covid?

By Robert Romano “Sadly, during the course of the pandemic, one-third of our small businesses have closed.” That was Vice President Kamala Harris in a June 1 interview on MSNBC , citing a study by Womply, a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Small Business Administration loan servicer, and Harvard University’s Tracktherecovery.org website, which currently claims […]


Bipartisan push for Big Tech antitrust legislation still won’t solve social media deplatforming

By Robert Romano A group of bipartisan bills that purport to address Big Tech monopolies by Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook and Twitter are being advanced in the House of Representatives, but they will probably not address political discrimination and deplatforming of individual users on these platforms like […]


Inflation up almost 5 percent past 12 months amid torrent of spending and weakening dollar. Is the economy overheating?

By Robert Romano Inflation is up 4.92 percent the past 12 months as of May, the most since July 2008’s 5.5 percent , according to data compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics , amid a torrent of trillions of dollars of government spending, Federal Reserve money printing and a weakening dollar combined with the continued economic rebound led by reopening businesses from the […]


Cartoon: McFlation

By A.F. Branco Click here to view larger resolution image.


Graham on Biden Budget: This tax and spend budget will break the back of our economy

“This budget, in my view, will destroy the ability to create new jobs in this country.” By Catherine Mortensen Today, Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) made an opening statement at a hearing on President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2022 budget proposal in which he warned […]


U.S. adds 559,000 jobs in May, but the small business paycheck protection program ended on May 31. Will the recovery continue?

By Robert Romano The U.S. economy added another 559,000 jobs in the month of May, according to the Bureau of labor Statistics’ establishment survey of employers, as the unemployment rate fell to 5.8 percent amid the U.S. economy continuing its reopening from the Covid pandemic. More than 39 percent […]


Durbin Amendment shifts the costs of cashless convenience from retailers to consumers

By Rick Manning Miss your old free checking account? In 2020, only 47 percent of non-interest checking accounts were free  according to Bankrate.com . That’s up from 42 percent in 2019 and  the low of 37 percent in 2015, but well below the 76 percent that were offered in 2009 . Why such a big drop? In part, you can thank the Dodd-Frank financial services reform bill of […]


Deficit will hit $3.6 trillion in fiscal year 2021 as $7.27 trillion of the national debt will come due in the next year alone

By Robert Romano The annual budget deficit has already hit $1.9 trillion and counting for the fiscal year that will end in September, according to the U.S. Treasury’s April statement , and it will reach as high as $3.6 trillion this year, says the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) . Comparatively, in 2020, the deficit totaled about $3.1 trillion for the […]


Techlash: How Silicon Valley is Losing the Battle

By David Potter Techlash has arrived. People are more skeptical and resentful of the tech sector than ever before. For conservatives, censorship plays a big role in this distrust. Around the world, and here at home governments are starting to act to curb tech overlords. Florida Gov. […]


Did the Fed’s strong dollar policy artificially exacerbate the 25 million job losses during Covid?

By Robert Romano One of former President Donald Trump’s biggest complaints during his term of office was that the dollar was too strong for him to pursue his trade agenda to boost U.S. exports and bring manufacturing back to America. He had a point. That is because […]

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