05.17.2010 0

The Daily Wrap-Up: May 17, 2010

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The Daily Wrap-Up according to Adam Bitely:

Good Monday Afternoon –

Quin Hillyer at the American Spectator wrote a memo to outgoing Sen. Bob Bennett (R-UT) entitled “See Rock; Crawl Under It”. Hillyer wrote, “What part of “Get the hell out of here” does he not understand?” Keep reading.

The Irony of Ironies – Obama signs Press Freedom Act today. At the conclusion of the signing ceremony, Obama refused to take questions from the press. The Washington Examiner has the story.

Managing the American Decline?Bill Wilson, President of Americans for Limited Government raises the question of what may be causing the “American Decline” over at NetRightDaily.com. The reasons will make you think…

Michael Kinsley at The Atlantic says that “there is nothing patriotic about the Tea Party Movement.” See what he says, and leave him a comment.

The Public Option is Alive and Well! — According to a Washington Examiner editorial, “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wasn’t kidding when she famously said Congress had to pass Obamacare “so you can see what’s in it.” And now as more people find out what’s in the 2,700-plus pages of the law, a steadily lengthening list of President Barack Obama’s promises are being exposed as empty.” Read the full story.

Tobacco Showdown — In case you missed it, Timothy P. Carney had a must-read column in the Washington Examiner today about the egregious conflict of interests on a new FDA scientific advisory panel.  This panel will vote on something new called dissolvable tobacco products and may vote to ban menthol in cigarettes.  While science doesn’t support a ban, after reading Carney’s piece you can see why some of these panel members would be inclined to turn a blind eye. Keep reading at NRD.

Ross Kaminsky at Human Events wants to know if Kagan can be trusted to defend the constitution. Kaminsky writes, “…there is a major issue for the Senate to consider and one which, with the continuing filling in of the Kagan belief system jigsaw puzzle, should possibly lead Republicans to filibuster her.”

Cathy Young wonders if the new Robin Hood is a Libertarian Rebel?

Elections 2010:

–Does the GOP Primary in Kentucky Expose a Rift Over the Afghan War? Chris Stirewalt explains.

Obama Believes the GOP is in as much trouble as he is

NRSC Sees Weak Obama

Senators that supported TARP are desperately attempting to atone…

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