
2012 GOP Nomination Elimination Match: Final Round

Live Voting Below It’s the final round! Only Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum have survived. Newt, Mitt, Paul, Perry, Huntsman and “None of the Above” have all been bounced from the competition. So start voting below. The polls close on January 3 at 7 PM! […]


Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina Republicans Reject Euro Bailouts

By Robert Romano Polling in early election battleground states Iowa and New Hampshire finds likely Republican voters deeply opposed to bailing out European banks that bet poorly on the sovereign debt of socialist governments like Greece. As reported by the National Review’s John Fund , overall, 76 percent of Republicans in Iowa , 68 percent in New Hampshire , and 77 percent in South Carolina oppose any U.S. involvement of bailing […]


SEIU Advertises Job for Law Breakers

By Brad Tidwell Fox News had what could only be described as a professional point misser as their analyst on the story about the SEIU union advertising to hire someone to lead a team of law breakers in support of their ends. Time and again, the anchor attempted to […]


Big Gov’t Bozo: Dr. Howard Koh

Medicare price controls are bad news for Americans. It can cost them their lives. Yet, this member of the Obama Administration sees no problem with this! ALG’s Don Todd says Dr. Howard Koh is a Bozo!


11 Big Gov’t Busts of ’11: Find Out What Number One Is…

Video by Frank McCaffrey


Were the Mayans right? Is 2012 the end of the world?

Video by Frank McCaffrey


3 Reasons for Hope: Oil, Gas and Coal

By Rick Manning The payroll tax debate has been and will continue to be at the forefront of the political back and forth in Washington, D.C., with Republicans continuing to agree with President Obama that a full year extension is the best alternatives, and President Obama and […]


Cartoon: Happy New Normal!

Cartoon by William Warren NRD Editor’s Note: As always, you may reprint this cartoon anywhere you please, but we ask that you provide a link back to this source. To see more Warren Toons, click here .


China a Paper Tiger?

By Robert Romano With all that could go wrong in 2012, one troubled hotspot to keep an eye on is Iran, a country the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says is on pace to develop a nuclear weapon in the near future. If that happens, it is […]


Were the Mayans right? Is 2012 the end of the world? ALG has analysis

There are a number of signs that might lead on to believe that 2012 will be a bad year and maybe even the end of the world. ALG looks at the Mayan prophecy that the world is talking about.

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