
State Legislatures Take on “Judicial Hellholes” that Undermine Business

By Kevin Mooney — Some state legislatures are taking a stand against abusive litigation practices that drive up costs for consumers and discourage business, according to a new report from the American Tort Reform Foundation (ATRF). Even as it identified “judicial hellholes” where judges apply the law against […]


‘Obama’s Economic Humbug’

By Robert Romano — “This is nothing more than Obama’s economic humbug, just in time for the holidays,” remarked Americans for Limited Government (ALG) President Bill Wilson in response to the Bureau of Economic Analysis’ downward revision of economic growth in the third quarter. “First at 2.5 percent, then 2 percent, and now revised downward to an anemic 1.8 […]


$40 versus your retirement. Pick one.

By Rebekah Rast — $10 to $40 versus $91 billion. That is what is up for debate in Congress.  Does the payroll tax cut extension, giving people an extra $10 to $20, maybe $40, in their paychecks worth it, all the while knowing this small […]


Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

Cartoon by William Warren — This Christmas themed cartoon was pulled from our archives in the hopes that you will enjoy it again today. NRD Editor’s Note: As always, you may reprint this cartoon anywhere you please, but we ask that you provide a link […]


2012 GOP Nomination Elimination Match: Round 2

Click here to vote in the final round! With the Iowa caucuses just a couple of weeks away, we thought it would be fun to host the 2012 GOP Nomination Elimination Match. Round 1 of the tournament featured all 7 GOP Presidential candidates facing off in an 8 seed tournament with “None of […]


Must Reads for December 22

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Thursday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : Your taxes are going up on New Year’s George Will: Gingrich, the anti-conservative Gingrich having trouble getting on ballots Cartoon: There is a Santa Claus Recording Industry Association of America outed as leading ‘pirates’ The more Obama pushes class warfare, the more people reject it Controlling guns, controlling people More government transparency in 2012? Obama is achieving his goal of higher energy costs


New Deputy Commerce Secretary: What the Blank?

By Rebecca DiFede — On Nov. 1, 2011 our illustrious President Obama appointed Rebecca Blank as the Deputy Commerce Secretary. But after hearing her responses to questions in countless interviews, it raises some questions about whether or not she is competent to run a vegetable […]


Your Taxes Are Going Up on New Year’s

By Robert Romano — It’s very clear now that the current payroll tax holiday is going to expire come New Year’s Day, and taxes of 140.5 million Americans who work for a living are going to increase.  The only question outstanding is who to blame. For that, one need look no further than the U.S. Senate, which […]


When in need, call the Marines

Check out the story below of what happened to a thief when he ran into 4 Marines…:


Recording Industry Association of America outed as leading Internet ‘pirates’

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has been outed as one of the leading downloaders of pirated materials. Read the irony below : Over the past week we’ve had fun looking up what governments, Fortune 500 companies, and even the most dedicated anti-piracy groups download on BitTorrent. All […]

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