06.21.2013 1

Humor From Chelsea Clinton, GA Democrats, and the Simpsons

LifeNews.com broke a story today about Chelsea Clinton which has resulted in a mixture of jokes and shock.

From the stage at the recent Women Deliver conference, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

Chelsea’s grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy. And new research shows that her family is not alone in treasuring a person who – if Planned Parenthood had been successful – would not have been born.

You can hear the statement at the 20 minute mark of the video below.

Georgia Democrats made news when they announced an opening for Party Chair but stated that only White Men need apply.  It’s an entertaining case of backfiring racial quotas.

On Thursday evening, about 6 p.m., Nikema Williams, acting chairman of the state Democratic party, sent out a formal notice declaring that members of the party’s state committee will convene on Aug. 17 to elect a new chairman.

Candidates to replace Mike Berlon, who resigned earlier this month under pressure, must declare themselves by July 17. But only white, male Democrats need apply, Williams explained:

“Although any Democrat may serve as State Chair, the Charter and By Laws contain two provisions that restrict who may run in this special election. First, the Charter provides that the Chair and the First Vice-Chair must be of opposite gender. (C.4.1.2).  Since the State Committee elected a female First Vice-Chair at the last party general election, and that officer is still serving, the Charter requires that the Chair be male. Second, the Charter provides that where a racial group constitutes 20% or more of the registered voters in the state then at least one member of that group must be an officer as either Chair, First Vice-Chair, or additional Vice-Chairs. (C.4.1.3). The Party had been in compliance with this provision because the Chair was white. The resignation of that officer creates a non-compliance situation. The Charter, therefore, restricts candidates in this special election by race. Thus, any white male Democrat is eligible to run in this special election.”

Finally, it looks like the Simpson’s predicted what the NSA scandal before Ed Snowden.  Enjoy this clip from 2007.

SIMPSONS MOVIE 2008: PRISM!  Lisa talking about government spyin – Watch More Funny Videos

Willie Deutsch is Editor-in-Chief for NetRightDaily.com, and Social Media Director for Americans for Limited Government.  You can follow him on twitter @WillieDeutsch.

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