10.19.2020 0

Job Crusher Joe

Joe Biden glad hands autoworkers while stabbing them in the back.

With the ALG Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen.

Delaware resident Bill Slater said it bugs him to see Biden glad handing autoworkers in his campaign ads because he says Biden’s trade policies have destroyed their jobs.

As senator, Biden voted for the disastrous NAFTA trade deal which many say led to the shutdown of both a Chrysler plant in Newark and a General Motors plant in Wilmington.

Slater believes Biden has reigned over the greatest job loss in modern Delaware history.

Biden was senator for the entirety of the decline and death of the Delaware auto industry, he effectively loaded the gun through his support for NAFTA. In his closing words at a campaign stop this week in Ohio, Biden told the audience, that American workers are “just asking for a fair shot.”Biden is right about that. But his trade and energy policies have put American workers at a disadvantage and given countries like Mexico and China the upper hand.

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