
Manning: We are witnessing a transformation of our labor markets in favor of individual freedom

What we have here is a massive growth, dynamic growth in the number of people who are employed. We see a dramatic drop in the number of people who are unemployed. Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning is a weekly guest on the Michael […]


Manning in Washington Times: Raising minimum wage is attack on young people

“Higher wages could lead some businesses to hire more experienced workers than young people for entry-level work. It’s an attack on young people and their ability to learn how to work.” Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning was quoted in a Washington Times article […]


Cartoon: Worlds Apart

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher level resolution version.


A New Approach to Ending the Not So Sweet Sugar Subsidies

During the holiday season candy canes are once again omnipresent with all the joy they represent to go with their yummy goodness. But the business behind the production of that candy cane is fraught with trade battles pitting nations against one another as quotas and […]


Manning on Real America’s Voice News: America can’t be doing business with China

I hope every governor follows the lead of Gov. Ron DeSantis and looks seriously at divesting their state pension funds from China. U.S. pension funds have no business being invested in slave labor and in a country that want to destroy us. Americans for Limited […]


Gov. DeSantis Sets Example for Nation’s Governors in Pursuing Chinese Divestment Strategy

All governors should protect their state investments from non-transparent Chinese entities and the evil which they perpetrate on the Chinese people and the world. By Richard Manning Florida Gov.  Ron DeSantis  and some of  his administration’s top officials moved this week to protect their state investments from non-transparent Chinese companies.“I […]


No Chinese slave labor in U.S. retirement funds

By Rick Manning The Department of Labor has long recognized Uyghur Muslims and other religious and ethnic minorities who have been forced into state-sponsored labor and re-education camps by the Chinese Communist Party in Xinjiang and elsewhere across China. The 2020 report published by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs lists China 17 times as using children and slaves to […]


Fed blames Covid ‘supply constraints’ for high inflation, ignores $5.7 trillion of helicopter money since Jan. 2020


In modern U.S. history, when inflation has outpaced interest rates like it is now, they were associated with recessions in the 1970s and 1980s. By Robert Romano “Supply and demand imbalances related to the pandemic and the reopening of the economy have continued to contribute to elevated […]


ALG Urges Department of Labor to Protect Retirement Funds from Chinese Fraudsters

We must do more to ensure that Americans are not unwittingly investing their hard-earned retirement money in Chinese companies that offer little or no transparency into their true value. By Catherine Mortensen Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning is urging the Department of Labor (DOL) to […]


Congress must stop spending now to prevent runaway inflation

Inflation hurts everyone and runaway inflation is the hidden tax impacting every American that pays for our nation’s massive deficits by destroying the value of the dollar.  By Richard Manning Wholesale prices increased at their quickest pace on record in November in the latest sign that the inflation […]

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