If we don’t get the global supply chain problem figured out, this will be a case of the Grinch who stole Christmas. Each week Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning joins the Michael Yaffee Radio Program on WVNN in Huntsville, AL to talk new […]
We literally printed money to cover every bit of the debt that has been incurred due to the Covid pandemic and lockdowns. Now, it looks like the economy is overheating. By Robert Romano The Consumer Price Index has increased 5.4 percent the past twelve months amid an unprecedented spendathon by Congress and two presidential […]
We are urging House Members to cosponsor legislation that would stop Joe Biden from rationing access to monoclonal antibodies COVID treatments. By Catherine Mortensen Americans for Limited Government (ALG) last week sent a letter to House Members urging them to support critical legislation that would prevent President […]
Here is a brief look at 10 massive items in the bill that, taken together, will fundamentally transform American society by expanding entitlements from the cradle to the grave. Editor’s note: this is the first in a series of stories from the Americans for Limited […]
“We have to stop the $3.5 Trillion dollar spend. It is a knife to America’s throat.” Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning is a weekly guest on the Michael Yaffee Radio Program on WVNN radio in Huntsville, AL . This week they talked about raising the debt ceiling limit in Congress and how that […]
“We’re actually accumulating debt at the rate of over $2 million per minute.” By Catherine Mortensen Moody’s Analytics chief economist, Mark Zandi, told the New York Post that families are now paying on average $175 more a month for on food, fuel and housing. That amounts to an additional $2,100 […]
The Trump reckoning in the GOP was going to come to a head one way or another, where Republican leaders would have to choose between their own constituents’ interests or corporate monied interests whose agenda was at odds with grassroots Republicans. By Robert Romano “I didn’t even […]
Democrats think if they just have a one-vote majority, they think they have a mandate and they will pass their agenda, even if it means they lose their majority in the next election. Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning joins Chosen Generation Radio show […]