
Biden Unveils Socialist Agenda, where is outrage, or at least concern?

“These are not the droids you are looking for. You can move along.” This is not the socialism you are expecting. This is just a “paradigm shift.”  By Sheryl Kaufman An article in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal dressed itself as an objective report on Biden’s shift to using the government as […]


Biden Should Overturn this Decision and Protect American Jobs

Editor’s Note: This piece first appeared in Real Clear Politics on March 31, 2021. By Rick Manning President Joe Biden has the power to overturn the recent U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC)  decision  in a trade dispute involving the importation and sale of certain lithium-ion batteries, battery cells, battery modules, and […]


Democrats use pandemic to push socialism on America

21 Democrat senators call for monthly stimulus checks ‘for duration of the pandemic.’ By Catherine Mortensen A group of 21 senators sent a letter to President Joe Biden this week urging him to support legislation that would include recurring direct payments to individuals and enhanced unemployment benefits for the duration of the […]


Biden Tax Hikes Would Take America Back to Carter-era Tax Rates

Even Democrats know that there is only so much they can fleece the rich to pay for their gargantuan spending programs and eventually, they’ll be coming for everybody to pay for it. By Catherine Mortensen As we slowly emerge from a year-long economic shutdown, President Joe Biden’s […]


Biden’s public option has been introduced in the Senate, but does it have any chance of passing?

Democrats are planning on jamming whatever they can, including some sort of public option, down the American people’s throats. By Robert Romano On Feb. 17, U.S. Senators Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) introduced the Medicare-X Choice Act , which will turn Medicare into a public option for all Americans who want socialized medicine via a […]


With a little help from God (and Trump!) Church Survives 2020

By Frank McCaffrey Americans for Limited Government is revisiting small businesses we spoke with the 2020 at the start of the pandemic. We want to see what they’ve been up to today. We visited with the upstate New York church we spoke with in 2020 […]


Surprise: U.S., not foreigners, owns most of our debt

As long as central banks, financial institutions and pensions continue buying, then there is no sovereign debt crisis and no reason for interest rates to skyrocket. By Robert Romano The U.S. Federal Reserve and the Social Security and Medicare trust funds own a collective $11 trillion of […]


Biden and Harris Tour Country Trying to Take Credit for Trump’s Accomplishments

By Frank McCaffrey The Democrats did it with Carter – they did it with Clinton – they especially did it with Obama and now – Joe Biden has shown us that America has been fooled again! Now they are even fooling themselves! Check this string […]


Biden’s One-Two Punch on Taxes Will Destroy Free Markets and Any Hope of Economic Recovery

If Democrats are successful in hiking taxes on the “wealthy,” and the courts allow them to set state and international corporate tax rates, Biden and Congressional Democrats will have delivered a one-two-punch to our economy that we may never recover from. By Catherine Mortensen Democrats snuck a […]


Will Biden’s FCC continue the U.S. race to 5G to compete with China?

By Robert Romano During the Trump administration, the deployment of 5G, or fifth generation broadband cellular technology, was rapidly expanded and modernized amid technological leaps that promise in the coming years to bring smart cities, driverless cars and trucks, factories run by robots and other wonders online […]

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