By Marita Noon President Obama’s newly announced plans to designate one of the largest oil fields in U.S . as “wilderness,” is foolhardy at best—and may be anti-American at worst. When you look at the bigger story, you have to wonder whose side he stands on in the new “cold […]
By Rick Manning President Obama and his regulators have made the people of the state of Alaska their personal punching bags over the past year with the announcement that an area that is the equivalent of 80 percent of the entire state of West Virginia will be […]
By Robert Romano It may be time for the wind energy industry to finally stand on its own two feet. On January 28, the U.S. Senate defeated an amendment by Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) in favor of the now-expired wind production tax credit. It failed by a vote of 47 to 51 . And that was […]
By Marita Noon What are the Republicans thinking? Coming right out of the gate, at the start of the new GOP-controlled Congress, they began talking about the crazy idea of increasing the gasoline tax. It has little chance of passing, yet can easily taint the […]
By Rick Manning “I am embarrassed by the scientific community’s behavior on the [human driven climate change] subject.” That is just one of the jarring remarks by climate scientist Roy Spencer, PhD. Spencer in his must read response to those who claim that 2014 was the warmest year on record. […]
By Robert Romano “[I]t is the sense of Congress that — (1) climate change is real; and (2) human activity contributes to climate change.” That was part of an amendment offered by Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) to S.1, legislation that will require the Obama administration to allow construction of […]
By Marita Noon The unity march, following the brutal attacks in Paris, reminded us all of America’s absence on the global stage. I wondered: “How has the state of our Union gone from being the shining city on the hill, to a country whose light […]
By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D. Revelations that a Virginia land trust inserted language into the terms of a conservation easement on a farm, without informing the state agency with which it shares oversight responsibility, have riled lawmakers in the General Assembly and garnered the attention […]
By Marita Noon Touted as “America’s first offshore wind project,” Cape Wind became one of America’s most high-profile and most controversial wind-energy projects. Fourteen years in the making, estimated at $2.6 billion for 130 turbines, covering 25 square miles in Nantucket Sound off the coast […]
By Craig Rucker Global warming campaigners have a tough sell on their hands. They claim that climate science is “settled” and beyond discussion, yet the computer models the whole thing depends on have called for warming which has not occurred since before the turn of […]