The pressure is for Biden to produce as much as he can from budget reconciliation. This makes Senate Republican concessions to make it easier for Biden to ram his agenda through the budget reconciliation process all the more inexplicable. When will they just say no? […]
“What we lived through in the Seventies was a vicious cycle of rising costs and rising wages. People could barely keep up.” Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning was a guest on Jeff Crouere’s Ringside Politics radio show. They talked about the threat of rising inflation, […]
Senate Democrats are trying to pass a ‘blank check’ bill that would allow them to spend trillions of dollars on their socialist wish list and ultimately crush our individual liberties & freedoms. By Richard Manning Americans for Limited Government is urging every Republican senator to […]
Is it time for America to consider exchanging self-loathing Americans for Cubans desperate for freedom and prosperity? By Gary S. Goldman I often wonder the difference between patriotism and an unconditional love for your country, but how did we go from living and appreciating the […]
Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning joins Medford,OR radio host Bill Meyer every Friday morning to talk about the news of the day. This week they talked about the growing threat of inflation and why so many Americans are concerned. “It’s eating into their paychecks,” Manning […]
Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning joins Huntsville, AL radio host Michael Yaffee each Friday at 10:00 am CT. This week Rick talked about Biden-Schumer-Pelosi’s insatiable appetite for spending will ultimately hurt middle class Americans in the form of inflation. Listen here:
Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning joined the Conservative Commandos Radio Show this week to talk about his Townhall guest column detailing how federal workers were the only group of workers unhurt by the Covid lockdowns. “Federal workers, Members of Congress and their staffs all went […]
“Hard choices are in front of us, choices that we’re going to have to face sooner than we might wish.” Editor’s note: Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) took to the Senate Floor this week delivering a sobering speech explaining to Americans what is really going on […]
Everyone loses under inflation, but those with the least disposable income and those on fixed incomes are hurt the worse. By Rick Manning Consumer prices rose 0.9 percent in June, according to data released Tuesday by the Labor Department , heating up from the previous month. The consumer price index (CPI), a closely watched […]