
Biden must enforce the 2020 Trump trade deal with China to keep Beijing in check

By Robert Romano China increased purchases of U.S. goods in 2020 by 17.1 percent to $124.7 billion , U.S. Census data shows , the highest since 2017, following the U.S.-China trade deal that was brokered by former President Donald Trump in Jan. 2020 right before the Covid outbreak. After a slow start amid the pandemic […]


Democrats want recurring payments in $2.3 trillion infrastructure bill—is this the beginning of universal income?

If you tell people they can stay home and still earn money, unsurprisingly, many will do just that, given the incentive for people to stay home, millions Americans will respond by ceasing labor participation. By Robert Romano As Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) moves to double […]


The national debt skyrocketed $4.96 trillion since Jan. 2020, so why are interest rates still relatively low?

As long as demand for the treasuries remain constant, we don’t have skyrocketing interest rates or a sovereign debt crisis — for now. By Robert Romano In 2020, as the global economy was shutting down, markets were reeling and governments were organizing a response to the Covid […]


Treasury Secretary Yellen’s push for a global minimum corporate tax undermines free markets and hurts developing nations

“The corporate income tax is the least efficient tax base, and it makes sense for countries that want to attract investment and improve their standard of living by cutting their corporate taxes.” By Catherine Mortensen A leading corporate tax policy expert said Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s push […]


Lower Corporate Tax Rate to Zero

Corporate tax rate should be lowered to zero percent for companies which have 100 percent American workforces. By Rick Manning Senator Joe Manchin (D. – W.Va.) said he would oppose raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent, a key component of the Biden administration’s infrastructure bill, […]


Covid lockdowns disproportionately knocked women, blacks out of the labor force—reopening helps them more, too


From a labor market perspective, reopening is an unquestioned good, especially for the women and minorities who were the most hurt by the Covid lockdowns in the first place. By Robert Romano State-led Covid pandemic lockdowns, general orders to stay home or for businesses not to operate, […]


Americans for Limited Government Champions Private Property Rights in Arizona

In 2006, Americans for Limited Government (ALG) led the way to protect property rights in Arizona by helping to pass the Arizona Homeowners Protection Act, Proposition 207. The law ensures that local governments cannot use eminent domain without fairly compensating the property owner. Now, 15 years later, the city of Scottsdale […]


Stimulus Cash Pales in Comparison to What Illegals are Getting

Sen. Marsha Blackburn calculates U.S. is spending $71K per person to house illegal aliens for six months, 50 times Covid stimulus checks! By Catherine Mortensen Illegal immigrants are each getting $71,000 to pay for housing over the next six months, according to Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) That […]


Biden Unveils Socialist Agenda, where is outrage, or at least concern?

“These are not the droids you are looking for. You can move along.” This is not the socialism you are expecting. This is just a “paradigm shift.”  By Sheryl Kaufman An article in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal dressed itself as an objective report on Biden’s shift to using the government as […]


Biden Should Overturn this Decision and Protect American Jobs

Editor’s Note: This piece first appeared in Real Clear Politics on March 31, 2021. By Rick Manning President Joe Biden has the power to overturn the recent U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC)  decision  in a trade dispute involving the importation and sale of certain lithium-ion batteries, battery cells, battery modules, and […]

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